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Jenna crawled over to where she could hear Scott. They were surrounded by rubble and dust was falling making it harder to breathe. She had no idea where the others where, she just focused on helping Scott for now. She finally found him under a very large pile. She tried to claw away at it but her hands started to bleed.
"Scott, can you hear me?" She asked fighting back tears,
"Yeah, Jen, I'm in pain." He gasped,
"I know, I'm here now. Is your suit working?"
"I think so, I can't move my arm to test it." This panicked Jenna even more. If he couldn't move his arm it could mean that he could lose feeling any minute now.

Jenna started to lift the rubble around him, being careful not to hurt him even more. She gripped onto his wrist and pulled him out. She put her hands on his chest and started to heal him.
"I still think it's creepy when you do that." He confessed,
"Now can you activate your suit?"
"I sure can." They smiled at each other before resting their foreheads together. To those two, that was a sign that they were stuck with each other forever. No matter what.

Meanwhile Thor, Tony and Steve made their way towards the culprit of the invasion.
Thor, who is it?
It's Thanos Jenna.
How the hell did he get here?!
Your guess is as good as mine.
Thor didn't actually have the ability to talk back to Jenna, so he thought of what he would say so she could read it. It was a skill they had been practicing for hundreds of years now.

Scott held onto Jenna's hand, using the other, he pushed the button on his suit that would make him grow. They both burst through the rocks, Scott gently lowering Jenna to the ground. Now the five of them were stood infront of Thanos.
"Look, you did what you always wanted to do, why are you here?!" Jenna questioned the Titan,
"That, my child, is a very invasive question. You reversed the snap, I am just here to put life back to the way it was." Thanos smirked,
"Your child? I was never your child because you were never my father!"
"Why do you go by the name of Jenna Thanosdottir then?" That comment aggravated Jenna. She had enough, so she threw so much energy at him.

The five of them fought Thanos for as long as they could. By the end of it, they were all battered and bruised and in so much pain.
They had lost hope, until a glimmer of light shone from behind them. Steve gasped as his earpiece scratched.

"Hey Cap, look behind you." The voice through the earpiece spoke. It was Stephen Strange.
They all turned round to see multiple portals begin to open. Thousands of people were emerging from them. The Asgardian troops were making their way forward from New Asgard being led by Valkyrie on her Pegasus. The entire Wakandan troops were also marching in, being led by T'Challa.
Everyone who had fought Thanos was there.
Jenna spotted one person in particular. Wanda Maximoff. She flew down from the Wakandan portal. Jenna's face beamed as she saw her. Scott could see hope fly in, she was frantically looking around for him.

They all knew, that they were never going to fight the final battle alone.

Everyone had lined up, ready to take on Thanos' army. Their all wanted revenge for what he did to them

"Avengers..." Steve shouted as loud as he could. Everyone got into position.


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