Special request?

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*New York 2012*

The S.H.I.E.L.D base was large but there was one room that was most important at this current moment. In this room stood Erik Selvig, a scientist, Clint Barton, a professional robin hood and many other agents on standby. A tall man who wore all black and had a very stern expression entered. He also sported an eye patch.

"So, what's happening that you had to call me out of a very important meeting for" Fury called over to Selvig.
"It's the Tesseract, it's playing up. She's more active than normal!" Selvig confessed.

A large blue ray shot out from the centre of the Tesseract, it opened a small portal to space to which a rather tall figure stepped out of. He was hunched over, and grasped a sceptre. He seemed to be tortured, bruises and burns over his face. His eyes spoke more words than he ever could.

"Sir, please put down the spear!" Fury screamed. This only made him want to use it more, blue light started to shoot out of the stone on the end. The mysterious figure walked over to an agent.
"You have heart" his raspy voice let out. The end of the sceptre was placed upon his heart, he was now under the influence of something, or someone.

"Who the hell are you?!" Fury demanded answers,
"I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."
"Loki. Brother of Thor. I met Thor during his time here!" Selvig piped up. This only made Loki roll his eyes.

Loki and his controlled agent started to walk away. Fury shot at them, but the Tesseract got more out of control.
"Hill. Order an evacuation. Contact Coulson, tell him to contact Stark. We need the Avengers!"

*Asgard the next day*

Jenna was now acting as if everything was fine. Which in reality it was, just not on Earth. Her and Thor had gone for numerous walks around Asgard, it seemed to calm them both.

It was just another normal day, until Thor brought Jenna some unexpected news. Jenna was in the gardens, planting more Dahlias when Thor appeared beside her.

"Oh hi Thor. I think my Dahlias are dying. Is everything okay on planet Thor today?"
"Yes Jen, except not on Midgard"
"Why what's happening on Midgard?" Jenna dusted soil off her hands and properly turned to Thor.
"You see when I was down there, I met a group of people, they were called Earth's mightiest heroes. They offered me to join them, so I did. The guy in charge, Fury, said he would contact me if they needed help. Earth is under threat from space, and they need us."
"Why exactly do they want me?"
"Oh, I may or may not have mentioned you and how powerful you are. They want you upon special request."
"Okay fine but Thor"
"This is a one time thing okay, I'm not being backup or an avenger or anything forever ok!"

Thor just nodded.

"Just to clarify. Thor, you never did actually tell me about your time on Midgard."
"Well, your about to meet the friends I made."

Jenna rushed back to the palace to change into her armour whilst Thor found Mjölnir. Thor seemed nervous when they were walking down the bright.
"Thor, are you sure everything is okay. You can tell me anything"
"I'm fine, it's just, this is my first battle or anything without Loki. I thought we were going to fight side by side forever, but that no longer seems to be the case." Jenna pulled Thor into a hug, to comfort him. He too was taller than her, so her head only really reached his chest.
"You'll see him again. We both will."

Next stop. New York.

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