The SH and the Dream

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I can deal with crazy, I have had many years of on the job training. There isn't much in the way of crazy that even makes me jittery anymore.
Goofy, on the other hand, apparently I am not so good at.
The sweet husband wakes me up from a sound sleep, asking, Do you think you need to take me to the hospital?

As I jump up, saying are you ok, did you fall, is anything broken are you ok? Let me get dressed.

He says, no, I had a dream that I had a heart attack.

Uhhhh, HUNH?

I thought my reply was natural, well thought out, as I said, give me time to jump up and kick you in the shins for waking me up, then you can decide
if it's bad enough for you to go to the hospital.

He had a dream heart attack?

Well, okie dokie, is your chest hurting?


Any pain in your arms or anywhere? Any shortness of breath?

Nope, nothing hurts. Nothing short that hasn't always been short.

Ok I will admit, in my head, I was thinking, well Big Boy, it's going to be hurting soon, but I was really nice and really patient, as I asked, Did you take your blood pressure?

No, do you think I should?

Can't hurt Dude, before I call 911 I would really like to see another symptom other than your dream, just so we don't feel like idiots when we call an ambulance.

Blood pressure is just fine, but damn, that dream felt real.

I'm sorry you had a bad dream, that must have been pretty scary.

Well, it was scary, but not as scary as knowing I just woke you up and nothings wrong with me.

By then, I can't hide the smile, as I tell him, you are a very wise husband, this time I'm going to let you slide, but the next time, you might call the ambulance first, we both know you are going to need them, but if they get here first, maybe you won't need them quite as much.

He answers, see, I was right, you always know what to do!

Give me strength Lord, but not too much, I don't want him to really have to go to the hospital.

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