Thankful for the SH

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I am thankful for the sweet husband. The following is how he explained himself to me when we first met, and all in all he has done everything he said he would do. I'm a happy camper most of the time.

Many years ago , for that 5 minutes, errr, I mean weeks that we dated, he told me that he would always take care of me and of anything I needed taken care of as long as I realized a couple of things.

He is a man. That's it, that is the "couple" of things.

Then he explained himself and how much he wanted our marriage to be his last one.

First, he would give me his word, that he would never, ever cheat and he would never, ever lay his hands on me, as long as I didn't lay my hands on him, and as little as I was, he would probably just laugh, but don't risk it, ok?.
He would not be able to guarantee that he would not be an ass,because by nature he was an ass and he just didn't think he could change that, but he would try to keep it in check, and when he was being an ass, all I had to do was walk away, but only into another room, not like leave or anything, and he would get over whatever the problem was.

Women have these feelings about everything. Men have feelings about sex, Nascar,Football,deer hunting,their job and their family, not always in that order. If I want him to care about something else, I have to say, ok you need to care about this so listen. And he would.

Don't get your feelings hurt if I am not doing something that you think I should be doing, tell me and I will do it different, because I am a man and I will not notice that your feelings are hurt until you get mad because I didn't notice, then I won't understand why you are mad and we will fight and all you had to do was just say, look dumbass, you are doing this wrong.

Please, please, do not ask me if you look good in whatever it is that you are wearing. You always look good to me, I will try to remember to tell you, but just you remember that I think you look good in whatever you wear and you look even better naked, that is true when you are 28 and it will still be true when you are 88.

How can you not love a man like that?

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