Worry Conference called off

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I think I am off the hook for my all day worry conference with Sheryl on Wednesday!

I told her this morning that I was going to be gone for awhile today, Wednesday and Friday. We take Dot for some testing today and Friday  Then Wednesday, we are going with her to the hospital for Paulá's surgery on her wrist.

She said she would rearrange our meeting on Wednesday since I would likely be tired. Then she told me that "they" can't get the scanners to work on my mind, and maybe if I would just worry about something, then "they" would leave her alone about it.
I asked her if they had not ever come across someone that doesn't spend a whole lot of time thinking before, LOL. She replied that she had told them that I emptied my head, that if someone asked me something I would look it up for them, but they better write it down because if they asked me about it five minutes later I had already emptied my brain and it wasn't there anymore, but they said that's impossible.

The Sweet husband chimes in and says I've told her that for years babe, but it's possible, your mama's head is like a shoe box, once you take out the shoes it's empty. .Sheryl kind of shivered, patted him on the arm and said, you need to learn to empty yours sometimes, cause she isn't ever going to forget you said that.

For a paranoid schizophrenic, she makes a lot of sense on that one.

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