I have spent a lot of the last 8 or 9 years worrying about how to keep my child from being one of those people who go so far off the deep end that they can't get back, and although I have failed at that, thankfully she hasn't shown a great propensity for violence.
There are occasionally some signs that she could go that direction, but we are vigilant in watching her and personally, I snoop into almost everything she has, because I would be the one calling the police and FBI , whoever I needed to call if I ever saw any of her writings indicating that she would hurt us, herself, or someone else.
I can tell you that even though the police get very excited after the crimes occur, if someone had gone to them prior to that with legitimate concerns, they would have been told to go home, and there is nothing that can be done. NOTHING! These people have rights, and you can be arrested for violating them.Again,with much thankfullness, I have a husband who is embarassed by nothing, so when she marches up and down in the front yard carrying a 4 foot replication of male genitals, in a manner suggesting that she thinks it's an assault rifle, he finds the humor in it and keeps me from going totally insane along with her, by instigating these long, hysterically funny conversations about where it came from, when did she get it, and who posed for it, and what are the various neighbors thinking about it.

The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people