What an evening at the home for the slightly nuts!!
Sheryl announces that she has no more money worries because she is getting thousands of orders for hand made teddy bears on her website.
I'm sure you can figure out that she doesn't have a website, has no internet on her phone, nada,nothing
I just tell her that's good hon, you are certainly going to be busy with that.
About an hour later, the sweet husband asks me if I have to work tomorrow too, I tell him yes,and he says he is going to go shopping.
I ask, like an idiot, what are you going shopping for?
He replies, this being crazy works out well for people with no money, I'm going to buy a bunch of new guns because I talked to Sheryl and she's going to pay for them with all those teddy bears she's making.
I explained a few things to him, starting with, number one, you haven't talked to Sheryl since you found out about the bears. Number two, you have always been crazy, and it's never made you shop before.
He told me that he talked to Sheryl in his mind,and she answered him and he hadn't gone shopping before because he might have always been crazy,but he was crazy with no teddy bear orders.
Again, he leaves me with no argument!

The Sweet Husband
SonstigesStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people