the further adventures of Laurel and Hardy
My sweet husband asked me if I would like to go to Waco and eat catfish for dinner. Naturally, anything that involved me not cooking is a yes.
we are in our usual uniforms, shorts and t-shirts, on the way home, he lights a cigarette ,and a few blocks later lets out this blood curdling scream, the cherry has fallen off the cigarette onto his shorts. He is slapping at himself and screamed that his shorts had caught on fire.
Did I ever at anytime happen to mention that Hardy can be a bit of a drama queen? I kept calmly telling him to pull over, then I looked down and saw smoke and the beginning of a tiny flame coming up from the front of his shorts.
Like any good wife, who happens to be drinking a nice large fountain pepsi over ice, and her husbands crotch catches on fire, I jerk the top off of it and pour it in his lap. Then there is another even louder blood curdling scream.
As my mama used to say, some people would bitch if you hung them with a new rope. I am truly sorry that I can't stop laughing sweetheart. I love you dearly and I know that if a policeman stops you for any reason and thinks you are an old man that peed on himself, it is entirely my fault, and if the policeman and I laugh together you are going to shoot both of us. Love you babe!

The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people