I am so very proud of the maturity and kindness that my 15 year old granddaughter showed to her dad today. He left their home right after she turned five, and went to prison right after she turned six and one half. He is in a prison about 50 miles from Laredo and we take her to see him once a year now, when she was smaller we took her three or four times a year, it's always been whenever she asked us to take her, we would do so. As long as she is below 17, I have to go in with her and be there for the entire visit.
His first eligibility date for parole is in August, 2015. He has always been full of a lot of big talk about what he is going to do when he gets out, and we have always told her that we hope all of that comes true, there is just no way for anyone to know what will happen once he gets out.
Today, he told her that he wants to come live near her and since she will be 17 she can just tell her mother that she wants to live with him, and they can be together and it will all be just perfect.
She sat there for a few minutes and then she told him that she loved him very much, and she wanted him to be close by, if he could stay out of trouble, if he couldn't then he needed to go to where his dad or brother lives ( Arizona or Missouri), but since he couldn't know that yet, she wasn't moving anywhere. She said that her mother has been there the whole time, even when she lived with us, and she wasn't going to hurt her mother, and that number one, she wasn't going to have her Poppy going to prison for killing her daddy, that just would not be right, and that he knew that is what would happen if he went back to his old ways and she was living with him. Then she said, the most important thing is, I am going to do something with my life, I may not be sure what that is yet, but I'm sorry, I love you and my mama a whole lot, but you two didn't do such a good job with your futures and I learned from your mistakes, and I really think that is the way it's supposed to be.
He pretty much just sat there with his mouth open, not a whole lot to say. I hope his plans for his future work out for him, I really do but I'm awfully happy that young girl is going to wait to see how he does with that before getting deeply involved in it.

The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people