I think that I may have mentioned that the sweet husband, besides being a very sweet husband, is also the most anal human being that I know.
Today, he came damn near making me have a heart attack.He has a large recliner, with a cup holder on each side, and in these two cup holders, he has those excerise balls, one on each side, you know the kind you use to exercise your hands.
When the following occured,honestly it never came to mind about the excercise thingy.
We spent all afternoon taking Dot to have her scope done, and BTW it was excellent, the ulcer is shrinking nicely and everything is going well.When we get home, I go make us a cup of coffee,and when I bring it back in, I sit down and relax, and the SH says, Sheryl sat in my chair while we were gone. A quick note, SH doesn't even like for me to sit in his chair.
I reply, ok.
He then says, I know she sat in my chair and she played with my balls.
Remember, Heavan scarred both of them,and I always put them in the holder with this mark on the top. One is to the side, one is on the bottom, she played with them.
So now he has his feelings hurt again because I picked up my shoe and threw it at him.
The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people