The SH is on a roll today! He watches all these talk shows, and I have to google anything they say that he doesn't understand. Today it was Chlamydia. First I asked if he was worried that he had it, his reply Have it? I don't even know what the hell it is.
I said STD, Standard? No, Sexually Transmitted Disease. Nope, I don't have it , you have to have the S before you can get the T, I just want to know what you get when you get that? So you want to know the symptoms? Yep.Ok, the symptoms are Painful Urination, Vaginal or Penis discharge with strong odor, Anal Itch and/or Anal Discharge, Itchy eyes and possibly blindness. And/Or, you mean you get a damn choice? No butthead, you might have one or the other, or both
He says nothing for about an hour, then he says, I'm glad I'm old because if I was young I would never have sex unless maybe they start making stainless steel condoms. No way would I risk stinking privates, an itchy leaking butt and then going blind.

The Sweet Husband
AléatoireStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people