Yesterday was really very stressful for me, I am grateful for a new day!
First, I started yesterday with a doctors appt, and he told me I need an abdominal ultrasound because he thinks there is a problem with my gall bladder, so I was a tiny bit stressed with that.
Then we drive to the deer lease to pick up my nephews flat bed trailer that the SH had borrowed and cows had broken through the fence and eaten all the wires off the trailer, so that added a little to it.
Then we come home,and four different times during last night Sheryl opens the back door,setting off the alarm. The first two times I was very nice, saying you know the alarm is on, the red light is on, don't open the door. The third time, I say, if the alarm goes off again, I am going to lose my patience, this is not the right thing to do, please don't do it again. The fourth time it goes off, I say, let's walk outside, then, do you feel how cold it is? The next time the alarm goes off, I am letting you outside, and unplugging the doorbell,if you knock on the door, I am calling the police,got it? Understand every word I am saying, because I do not want you to be outside in the cold, but that is exactly where you are going to be.
When I go back in the house, she goes back to her room and the SH meets her in the hall as he is coming out of the bathroom.He walks into the living room and said what did you do to her? I said why are you asking, he says, she told me to watch out, the bitch has gone crazy and if I say anything to you, I will find myself sitting in the cold wishing I had a sandwich and a cup of coffee.
LOL laughing made it all better, but at least the alarm didn't go off again.

The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people