The sweet husbands daughter posted a picture and someone's memories of going to a drive in movie tonight, and I was showing it to him.
He smiled and asked if I remembered that the Joy Drive In was where I learned to fly.We had been married only a month or so and his stepmother Sharon was going to take his youngest sister to see Jaws and wanted us to go with her.
Sharon was sitting in the drivers seat, Lesley in the front seat on the passenger side. Randy and I sitting together in the middle of the back seat.
It was hot, all the windows were down, we were leaning back in the seat with our knees propped up on the back of the front seat.
Randy had his left arm around my back and his right hand holding my left hand. I weighed about 95 lbs, soaking wet.
When that shark bit the back end off of that boat, the calm, cool husband who never gets shook up by anything, took a sharp breath, made a kind of grunting noise and jerked to an upright position, and the momentum pulled me up and over him like I was a rag doll, my leg caught his little sister in the back of the head and she was so startled she screamed so loud you could have heard her a block away and as my head headed toward that open window all I could do was just pray it didn't break my neck when I bounced off the ground outside. Just as I got to the window, he grabbed me and pulled me back in the car.
The adults were all laughing ourselves silly, and this little voice comes from his sister, mama, he scared me worse than the movie did, don't let him come anymore.

The Sweet Husband
CasualeStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people