Does my SH really see the invisible people?

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Sheryl finally came out of her room for longer than a few minutes, went outside for awhile, reports that her feet have finally stopped hurting.

I told her I was glad to see she was feeling better, and she told me she was really surprised that I didn't come and get her sooner, that Cody, one of the invisible people, is so tall that he sticks out like a sore thumb so there was no way she could lay low like she used to do.

I told her that was a good thing, because I didn't have to worry nearly as long as when she left the last time, and just left it at that.

I start telling Randy about this, and I am laughing because somehow this invisible tall guy is keeping her from being able to hide out.

He says to me, that's odd, I really thought Cody was a short guy and maybe Edmond was a little taller than him.

Uhhh, you have given a lot of thought as to the size of two people that only exists in a schizophrenic's mind?? Maybe those pills she throws away every month need to be taken out of the trash and saved?

Well no, I know they don't exist, but talking to Sheryl is kind of like reading a book, you get an idea of what she is feeling and seeing and I just pictured them both as being shorter than me, and that Cody was shorter than Edmond.

Now I feel like crap, because he's been actually listening to her, and I try my best not to. I don't want to get inside her mind because,to me,it's scary in there, I don't even want her inside her mind, I want her outside of that. I need to listen more and judge less.

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