My dad was a Baptist preacher. He cheated a bit on his sermons, he would buy these books of sermons ,and find one he liked, and cut the pages out of the book, place them in his bible, and then read and sometimes paraphrase these sermons in church on Sunday.After he got back home, he would place those pages in a stack, so that he would have them to go back through and use again.
One time my brother Milton, took two of the pages out of the bible, found two pages with the same page number down in the stack,from two different sermons and substuited those for the pages he had removed.
Daddy started his sermon, then it suddenly switched subjects, then it went back to the original subject, then all of a sudden switched again. You could see the confusion on daddys face, and you could definitely feel the confusion in the congregation.
But he was cool, my daddy was, he just kept on preaching. When he got home he painstakingly went through every page in that stack, but Milton had put the right page number in the right place and daddy couldn't find it without stopping and reading every page of this huge stack of sermons.
Mama stayed in trouble for about 20 years, because she laughed when it happened, and I think daddy went to his grave thinking she had done it.

The Sweet Husband
SonstigesStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people