We are off to laugh land very early this morning. As we got our first cup off coffee, the sweet husband reached up to get his Sweetener out of the cabinet and asked me if I remembered the time the cabinet exploded just as he reached out to open it, and he came damn near tearing the kitchen door down trying to get out of there.
That did it, we have both laughed all morning, especially after I told him I didn't remember him harming the kitchen door, but I did remember him screaming like a little girl. He quickly informed me that he did NOT scream like a little girl, he screamed like a full grown man.
About 30 or so years ago, his step mother made home made wine, as she gave us a bottle and instructions on how to store it, his dad, standing behind her, made a cutting your throat signal, apparently he had tasted it and found it undesireable. Since I knew my sweet husband would never even taste of it, I put it in the top of the kitchen cabinet, stored on it's side, just as she instructed, so that the cork would stay moistened, and there it set. At some point, after several years, I forgot about the instructions, and needed to put something else up there, I set the bottle upright.
It stayed like that, for quite some time,and one morning about 4 AM , as he was pouring a cup of coffee, calmly getting ready to go to work, the top blew out of the bottle, it sounded like a gun going off, the cabinet door flew open and he kind of flew out of he kitchen.
He swears it still, to this day, makes him nervous to walk through the kitchen.

The Sweet Husband
CasualeStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people