Skipping across the Very Thin Line

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The line between sanity and insanity is very thin indeed. The Sweet Husband and I skip back and forth across it frequently.

Conversation thoughout today:

SH: You need to be nice to me today, I am in mourning.

Me: Mourning? Who died?

SH: I am in mourning because I want Ice Cream and you said there is no Blue Bell.

Me: I'm sorry,  they will get it back in the store soon, besides we don't really need ice cream anyway.

SH: I need ice cream, and soon isn't cutting it.

Me. There is nothing to be done, they will get it back when they get it back.

SH: I never heard of anyone using Listerine in an ice cream place anyway, they need to fire those bastards.

Me; Listeria

SH: What?

Me: It's Listeria, not Listerine.

SH: What?


SH: That's what I said, what the hell were they doing washing out their mouth and spitting in the damn ice cream? Fire the sorry bastards and make me some ice cream.

Me: Its a bacteria that causes a bad infection not a mouth wash, and well, just YUCK, why  would you even consider eating anything someone had spit in, you are just GROSS!

SH: I am NOT gross, and I told you I was in mourning for ice cream and you are trying to make me feel worse.

Me: No I am not, by the way the front bathroom commode has been broken since Sunday, if you don't intend to fix it I need to call the plumber.

SH: I was just thinking of waiting til I get ice cream or the back bathroom commode breaks and then fix both of them.

Me: That's ok with me, because when the back bathroom commode breaks, I will go to the Best Western and you can call me when you get them both fixed.

SH: I don't know why you always get so damn mean, the only way to be able to live with you is to take a lot of naps, we will talk more when I wake up.

Me: Ok, I'll think of more mean stuff while you are asleep.

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