I can't remember if I have told this story before, but when your great grandfather, my dad, was in his 70's he had a hog farm up at Votaw. During the winter, your granddad, my brother, would come up and help out after he got off work if there were pigs going to be born or if daddy had any work that needed to be done.
I had moved back there when my ex was in Vietnam. L.C. always had a bottle of Jim Beam, and he and I would have a few drinks and watch daddy work most of the time, LOL, but we claimed to be helping.
We had helped him build a barbed wire fence, digging the holes, and stringing the wire, so since we had actually done real work it took more than just a drink or two. Daddy was taking a hammer and some kind of long tool, wrapping it around and around and tightening the wire up, then nailing it to the fence post, while LC and I were getting happier and happier relaxing sitting on the bed of LC's pickup.
Suddenly a wire broke, and that hammer came up and made this slow motion perfect circle and came back and hit daddy smack dab in the center of his forehead.
Well, first, we are Wootens, and tipsy Wootens at that, we both fell over in the back of the truck laughing our butts off. Then LC noticed daddy didn't get up. He starts running across the yard, me right behind him, laughing ourselves crazy, LC saying you old fart, you better not be dead I was supposed to be home two hours ago.
By the time we got to him, Daddy was standing up and he looke at us, and said you drunk bastards, you did that on purpose. Went and got in his truck and went home. ROFL, Until he died he believed that LC or I did something to that damn wire to make it snap.
The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people