My niece told a story about hitting herself with the lid of an ice machine and yelling in a restaurant.
Naturally that reminded me of a story, and even though it was tremendously embarassing at the time, thankfully my daddy had a good sense of humor,for a preacher, and didn't kill me for causing it.
When my two oldest children were smaller, I had to be really careful because I had a real potty mouth, and occasionally one or the other of them, mostly Sheryl, would repeat something I had said and get me in all kinds of trouble with their uber self righteous father.
I had developed the habit of what I thought was whispering under my breath, they couldn't hear it, they didn't say it.
All was happy in my little world.We were going to drive down from Virginia and stop in Mississippi and visit his mom for a couple of days, then come to Texas and visit my folks for a couple of days. Since we would be at my folks on Sunday, we would have to go to church, so I was making sure I had every one some church clothes packed.
The kids dad was one of these people that the closer you go to getting ready to actually leave, the more he fussed about everything, and the whole trip I knew he would be fussing every step of the way, nothing went right when we had to travel.
Finally, after we left his moms, and he just kept on and on, under my breath I said, Is that son of a B ever going to just shut up?
We get to my mom and dad's, everything goes pretty well on Saturday, I get the kids and myself dressed and we go to church with them on Sunday, and apparently daddy was being too long winded for the kids. They start getting restless and their dad is absolutely appalled, even though they were just 2 and 3.5 years old kids, and all of a sudden the two year old looks at me and very loudly says Mommy, is that SUM BITS ever going to shu-up?
It was amazing how clear it was, even though there were some times you couldn't understand her, THIS time it was perfect.
Daddy shut up, he kind of looked at mama, she was leaning over with her face in her hands, they may have thought she was crying, but I knew she was laughing, Daddy started laughing,then, the whole congregation started laughing. I was leaving with her in my arms trying not to cry. The kids daddy was NOT laughing,LOL.
He did not laugh about a lot of things,LOL which may explain why I am on husband number two.
The Sweet Husband
CasualeStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people