Only in the home of the slightly insane could the following conversation occur at 5AM.
Sweet Husband: Are you awake?
Me: Well, I guess I am now.
SH: Blue Bell thinks they know what the problem is.
Me: Thank God,
SH: It was nuts in the ice cream.
Me: ERRR, did they arrest the ones that did it?
SH: Well, nobody did anything to be arrested for, but maybe they will get the ice cream back in the stores soon.
Me: Did nothing to be arrested for, the sick bastards should be put UNDER the jail.
SH: I sure thought you would be glad they found the problem, you have whined about ice cream for three days now.
Me: I sure as hell don't want any ice cream that has had someone's stinking nuts in it.
Sh: Pecans, dumbass, PECANS.

The Sweet Husband
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