My niece Becky posting about her little boy turning 3 made me think of a story.When Heavan began talking she was about 14 months old, by the time she was 18 months she was using complete sentences. It was not that she was a prodigy or anything, she was just very linguistically developed.
She and I carried on long, long conversations and she had way more questions than I knew the answer for, but I truly enjoyed our discussions.
We had been looking forward to her third birthday for weeks, she had picked out exactly what she wanted for her cake, and was very excited about getting to start to preschool.
She had been up a couple of hours and I saw her walking down the hall, she stopped by my door and waved for me to come to her. I could tell she had tears in her eyes and I went into the bathroom with her and said, Baby, what's wrong.
She put her little hand on her hip, and said Daddy told me I tree now, Poppy asked me if I free now, and Mama say it's my turdbird day, I'm scared.

The Sweet Husband
De TodoStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people