Reading my neice's post and one of her friends saying something about another friend losing his car in the Walmart parking lot reminded me just how easy that is to do, especially for me, the QUEEN of the unobservant.
A couple of years ago, I went to Walmart, keep in mind this is the Marlin Walmart, 100 years old, not as big as an average size movie theatre, and shares a parking lot with McDonalds, nothing can get lost in the Marlin Walmart Parking lot.
Nothing, that is, except my car.
I go in, get my 5 minutes of shopping done, wait 20 minutes to get checked out, walk out to where I ALWAYS park, and there is a white truck there, my Equinox is no where to be found. I look around, walk up and down in the parking lot, tell myself, don't panic, you know the damn thing is here somewhere.
Finally I call Randy and as soon as he answers his phone, I start crying, he can't hear anyway, so he can't understand me, he thinks I have had a wreck.
I make myself calm down, then I calm him down, then I try to tell him that I have lost the car and I hear him saying Where are you, where are your car keys, where are you dammit, where are your car keys I will come up there.HMMMM, MY car keys?
What the hell, I have my car, you will have to come in your truck and the problem is I have lost the car!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have lost the car that my truck was parked behind so you came in and got the keys and took the truck to Walmart????
God, I wish you would wear your hearing aid, I haven't lost the car, I couldn't find the keys to your truck, but I have them now, be home in a minute.
Sure you did baby, just come on home, we'll take a nap and it will all be ok.
The Sweet Husband
RandomStories of the Sweet husband, life and love among real people