1. Dreaming of A Different World

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Fire cracked in the background, though the room felt cold. It was the fake sound that came from the old radio in the corner. A CD she was able to buy with the little money she was able to obtain. Makeshift glowing stars decorated the dark ceiling. There was a painted window by the bed, with a seashore view. A red lighthouse tower on one side, illuminated by yellow paint. An attempt to copy the real one, they have never seen. On the other side seagulls were painted flying far away. Escaping towards a mesh of yellow, pink, red, blue, and purple sunset on the horizon.

It was a beautiful painting that was made to substitute for the real thing. It's painting cracked from the years they've been kept here. She wanted to paint over it, make it fresh for him, but she was rarely given time to spend with him anymore. The demand for her was greater now than ever before. Her progress in her quirk was astounding, she could outshine any hero in training. If only she was given the chance to use her quirk for good, instead of causing pain almost every night.

"When the prince slayed the dragon, the princess was overjoyed with tears. For now, she was safe and finally free. The princess could go back to her family and her kingdom. In her heart she knew he was the one she would marry and spend the rest of her life with... have a family with." Y/N whispered softly to the half-asleep little boy in her arms. Stroking his h/c soft hair as he attempted to fight the heavy drowsiness from overtaking him.

She smiled down at him, wishing she could take away all their troubles. Wishing their life was different than the one they had. She cherished these moments because they were so rare. She barely got to see him anymore, they kept a tight leash on her, through her weakness. And though she loved him dearly, he was her weakness.

How will they ever escape if they were kept apart?

She would continue to suffer, she had to. She could never leave him behind. She would give anything to spend little moments like this with him, she had come to terms with that a long time ago. However, the more they demanded from her, the harder it was to stay sane. She'd thought about drinking her pain away, like most of the other girls did, but she had him to think about. Though there was no escaping, she still wanted to be an example for him.

The tears she was trying so hard to keep at bay, kept trying to pour out. The tightness in her heart and the knot of pain in her throat was making it hard to continue with the story, he so desperately wanted to hear every night before going to bed.

Y/N envied the princess in the story. The princess had someone to rescue her. And she was jealous of the prince's strength. Because he was capable of saving himself.

There was a harsh knock on the door, jolting her from her darkest thoughts.

She looked over to the clock on the nightstand. "Fudge..." she cursed silently, remembering not to use the actual word in front of the small bundle of joy asleep in her arms.

He had finally fell asleep, the stroking of his hair making it hard to stay awake. She kissed him on the forehead, and slowly got out of the small bed he was on. The room he occupied was small and plain, there were toys all over the floor and plushies of some of his favorite superheroes, like Sir Nighteye and Hawks, decorating the small space he called home.

She replaced her absence with the big All Might plushie she bought him not long ago. Before she walked out, she looked over her shoulder one last time, and took a mental picture of him. Not sure when she would see him again. Hopefully it won't be another three weeks like this time.

A silent stubborn tear rolled down her cheek, she roughly rubbed away. Cursing at it mentally for escaping in the first place. Y/N silently knocked on the door, so they could let her out.

"Took long enough." The deep voice from the guard grunted beside her, giving her a side glance before walking away. Expecting her to follow him, which she solemnly did.

The guards in the underground facility wore all black, blending into the darkness of the tunnels. It made it easier to sneak and keep tabs on everyone. The only light came from the corners on the ceiling, one dark yellow light every six feet.

"You try being away from the only person that matters to you for three weeks and only get three hours with them." Y/N sassed back, not showing any vulnerability around the guard as she dragged her feet to follow him.

"I hope you learned your lesson this time. Maybe if you're a good little girl and listen to Mama, she won't punish you so harshly next time." He responded coldly. Reciting the exact words that had been thrown at her by every person guarding her.

She scoffed, they all sounded like broken records.

"Tch... whatever." Y/N replied tiredly.

The rest of the walk to her dorm was quiet, the shuffling of her shoes and the stomping of the guard was the only thing that could be heard from the long hallway they were walking. The space they were trapped in had long hallways, there was only one way in and out. The club that resided above them. No one knew about this underground place they were trapped in. Not the clients that walked in everyday, not the police, not the heroes. Only the people that were slaves here and the people that kept them as slaves.

The one who owned them all was Mama and a strange man Y/N only met twice. Once when she was a little girl and just recently. However, this last time it was just his voice she heard. He demanded to have more people brought to him, and since Y/N was the person that would be doing it. She had to be in the room to listen to what he specifically wanted, or who he wanted.

Once Y/N arrived at her dorm, she was quickly pushed in and locked inside. She was used to being pushed around by now. At first, she fought back in the beginning. That earned her a big nasty scar on her back. A scar she hid from everyone, especially to her dear little brother and elder sister.

Her room was identical to her brothers except she didn't bother to put anything personal on the wall or any remnants, knickknacks of personality littered anywhere. The only evidence of someone living there was of the bed she refused to tidy anymore. Her room was a representation of how she felt inside, empty. Her only reason for living now was her brother and sister.

As Y/N reached her bed, she quickly got under the covers, not wasting energy she was going to need for tomorrow. She knew her quirk was going to be used again, the one she hated.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day. Mama announced earlier that day, tomorrow they will be harvesting quirks again. The club has been doing this once a month, for the man that owned everyone's pocket. Forced them to look the other way while they used the girls enslaved here. Mama mentioned without his services they wouldn't be able to stay open, apparently, he gave her lots of money for her help. And with Y/N's quirk, all of it was possible.

It was surprising how the police have not caught on yet. A lot of men have gone missing for the last couple of months, years if she was truthful. The club was getting sloppy in their attempts to hide their dirty work for not being caught from all the years this was done. Maybe the police and heroes already knew and decided to ignore it, if they were getting paid by that mysterious man who owned everyone too.

"Tomorrow will be different. Maybe they've got enough evidence to crash this place down..." Y/N whispered to no one in particular. "What am I saying." She sighed in defeat. "Of course, they don't. I'm sure Mama has the police in her pocket..." Y/N started to choke up again.

The tears she so stubbornly pushed back earlier, finally came out with a vengeance. She felt the walls of her cell, closing in on her. The anxiety attack she was so used to experiencing at night, resurfacing again.

"Fuck, please... I can't do this anymore... Someone please, help us." Y/N sobbed, silently begging to the universe to finally set everyone free. Free from this cruel world they were being forced to live in. She cried, until she fell asleep, dreaming of a different world her and her siblings could have had in a different lifetime. 

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