82. I'll Kill and Die for You

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(Warning: Lemon in the beginning)


"The Only Exception" – Paramore

"Pray" – JRY and RuthAnne

"Crazy In Love – Remix" – Beyonce

"Die For You – Remix" – The Weeknd & Ariana Grande

"Dangerous Woman" – Ariana Grande


"Katsuki, we don't have to do this." She told him kindly, after seeing him pace back and forth in his room. On the verge of having a panic attack. She loves him immensely, for taking this step to help her. However, not at the cost of his sanity. When she asked how much control she could have. He told her all of it. Which was surprising because Katsuki never gave up control willingly.

Finally taking a breath to relax and sitting down on the edge of his bed. Shaking his head, fists in a tight grip, he sighed out. "It's not that I don't want to." He looked so uncomfortable, it pulled at Y/ns heartstrings. Vermillion eyes trained on his hands, he mumbled "I've never let anyone... be in control for how... dammit..." He sighed frustrated, unable to finish his thoughts. Snarling at himself, as though even admitting it would taint his reputation.

"It's because of the kidnapping and the sludge villain incident, right?" She asked him gently. When his eyes met her own, she continued, "You're afraid of giving up control because of how you felt during those times... why you have trust issues of being exposed?"

"Yeah." He grunted displeased, looking away from her earnest eyes.

Walking to him slowly, she kneeled in front of him. Looking up at him she asked, "Kitten, have you let anyone–"

"Suck me off or allowed them to touch me. No." He answered straight forward making her smile from his crude words – getting to the point without beating around the bush. "It's such a vulnerable position... having someone in control... I've never let anyone do it to me. You're the only one, I've given some control." Vermillion eyes losing its sharpness, turning soft, he confessed, "With sex, I've always been in charge because I know what's coming, what to do..."

Really looking at him, he almost looked afraid. As though giving this part of himself would forever brand him as needy and submissive. And Katsuki was anything but docile.

Yes, if she'd take full control of him today, she could tell how he'd feel exposed. Her opinion on this strong blond man would never change. However, it seems he was stuck in his head too. Too stuck to realize, that she would never see him as anything less than strong and extraordinary.

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." She reached out and pinched his chin playfully, "if you're not ready. Then you're not." She reassured softly, and with no remorse.

Gulping down, he shook his head defiantly. "No, I am..." Finger's moving her hair to the back of her shoulder he whispered, "I want to do this with you..." vermillion eyes then however, narrowed, warning "but don't you fucking dare make fun of me."

Laughing softly from his snarky behavior, she responded. "I will never make fun of you." Her eyes bled from e/c to her signature scarlet, using her empath to show him how serious she was. "If you want, I can use my quirk to ease you in?" Eyes burning red, she waited patiently for his response.

Only getting a nod, her quirk slithered to his senses. Wrapping around his heart, keeping him grounded, making him feel safe. Relaxing his oozing tension. Shoulders sagging the more her quirk worked into his system and helping him relax. He was so strong – strong in her eyes for allowing her to do this with him. She could understand how Katsuki never let any of his past lovers take full control. He didn't trust them enough. When it came to Y/n, however. He trusted her immensely. She would make sure to take care of that trust. Never betray him, like he's been in the past.

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