16. The Big 3 of Class 3-A

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(Slight Spoilers ahead. I just had to use this GIF, it went perfect with this chapter (/>.<)/)

Izuku, Shouto and Katsuki were waiting outside the club in a black van. Sitting on the bench attached to the walls. They could hear commotion from outside, they were itching to join the fight. Though, they waited patiently for their turn. Waiting for the signal to be given, for them to infiltrate the underground. They were all dressed in their black hero attire. They're supposed to go in once Hitoshi got information on how to go underground.

Katsuki with his head down by his knees was trying to stay calm. He really did hate waiting to kick ass. Izuku was shaking his foot nervously, nibbling on his bottom lip as he thought of every possible scenario that could go wrong. All while Shouto leaned back against the wall, letting his head fall backward, staring at the headliner of the van, trying to calm his erratic heart down.

Izuku thought of the last time he had to do a rescue like this. Sir Nighteye, his previous mentor, was with them throughout the whole mission in rescuing Eri. Then gone by the next day. He prayed nothing like that day would happen to his friends.

When his legs started to bounce up and down because of his anxiety, he closed his eyes trying to calm down. His legs stopped bouncing abruptly when he felt two different hands on each knee. He looked down at Katsuki and Shouto's hands that left his knees once he calmed down.

"Sorry." He mumbled sheepishly at his comrades.

"I still don't understand how you get this nervous after countless of missions we've done together." Katsuki looked up at Izuku smugly.

Shouto scoffed earning a scowl from the blond.

"Do you have something to say Icy Hot?" Katsuki threaten Shouto, who still had his eyes closed.

"Not like you're any better. I can see your sweat all the way from over here." Shouto replied with a smirk. "I also smell caramel. You must be really nervous, if your sweat overpowers the cologne, you put on to hide it."

Katsuki brought his left hand up, emitting a few sparks from his quirk, ready for a fight. Challenging to throw an explosion at the calm mismatched eyed male, who hasn't batted an eye at him or his threats.

Katsuki was also trying to hide the small tint of pink from his cheeks with his right hand by covering his face. Embarrassed of someone knowing what he really smelled like, underneath the musk woodsy scent he sprayed over himself to cover it.

"And how do you know this?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes at Shouto.

Shouto shrugged lazily, "I'm an observant person. I've also known and worked close with you for three years, so there's that."

"Guys this is not the right time to get distracted." Izuku tried to calm Katsuki, who was trying to push him out of the way to get to Shouto.

Shouto without a care, smirked at riling up the blond. Izuku and Katsuki would always argue, however, that didn't mean Shouto wouldn't take a jab at the angry blond just for the fun of it. It amused him how easy he could get under his skin. He would normally like to stay in the background and step in whenever he saw an opportunity.

His bluntness never helped in tense situations. Shouto would always tell it like it is. Katsuki knew how-to restrain himself. He didn't lack social skills, but not Shouto.

His social skills have been getting better ever since he's been friends with Izuku and Tenya. He even considers Katsuki as a close friend. Even though the blond always yells at him to take it back because he refuses to see him as a friend too.

Deep down, Shouto knows he does.

He looked to his left and saw Izuku trying to hold Katsuki back. This only irritated the blond more, and he started wrestling Izuku to the ground of the small van. Izuku was trying hard not to laugh at Katsuki because of how riled up he got. That seemed to piss him off Katsuki even more. He was about to use one of his explosions when they got interrupted by a stern voice in their ear.

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