79. What We Do from Here on Out

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(Sorry for the long wait everybody! I'm posting two chapters back to back as an apology! Again thank you for your patience and staying this far in! I promise the end is almost coming, I'll probably add two more lemon chapters before this book ends. Again thank you all for your support!)


"Unsteady" – X Ambassadors

"Forever" – Labrinth 

"Way down We Go" – KAELO


Walking into her dorm, her heart squeezed from endearment and worry when she saw Miguel and Eri bunched up together under her bedcovers. The light of the early evening coming through the parted curtains, their skin glowing in the colors from the dying sun. Their angelic faces devoid of any worry or troubles from what happened and was soon coming for them all. Like a ticking timebomb, booming on everyone's mind.

The battle would be happening in a week.

Only one week to prepare...

It was just around the corner, and everyone would be ready, they had to. Y/n had to be ready regardless of how she felt about everything and just by a thin hair she would hopefully have her hero license. Even if by some chance, she didn't pass the hero licensing exam, she didn't care she would be there. This was her mission just as much as everyone else's.

Everything dawning on her the more she thought of how close they were to the battle. That damned letter feeling heavy in her pocket since Touya handed it to her.

Looking at her brother now, she was truly afraid of him getting hurt.

Her little brother had been extremely quiet after leaving the police station, holding on to her for dear life as she whispered words of reassurance that they were safe. Miguel didn't experience physical torture while they were captive, however he sure did receive mental abuse. A lot of it. He was so small when they were taken, and he grew up in that place much like Y/n did. He was always kept away from Y/n or Rosalinda, so he had no one to talk to. Always fed lies and ignored until his sisters calmed him.

In his little mind he had to stay strong for them. Stay strong for Y/n because he knew, even if she didn't tell him. He knew what was done to her.

Miguel had no one to rely on, other than his sisters who were protecting him as much as they could. Being in the presence of Eri and Hitoshi now, Miguel felt at ease. He truly did see Shota as his father figure, since he didn't have any memories of his parents like his sister did. He felt safe. However, seeing that woman again, the one who took almost everything away from him, who used him to torture his sister into complying. His mind began to break down. The whole ride back to U.A. Y/n held him in her arms. Comforting him, promising that everything will be okay. Though the battle may not be over yet, that didn't mean she would ever let anything happen to him.

It truly broke her heart, that even though yes, they had been saved, her little brother was still haunted by their past as well.

There was only so much she could do to help him. 

Pushing his hair back as his lids blinked heavy with sleep, Y/n kissed Miguel's cheek gently. Rubbing small circles on his puffed-out cheeks. She wanted to check on him one more time before going downstairs with everyone else. God, he was still so little. He shouldn't have to deal with this. However, unfortunately this is the hand they were dealt in their life. Though, Y/n sure as hell wouldn't let it be like this forever. She was not only fighting for her best friend's freedom, but also for a future her little brother could live peacefully in and that was enough determination to stand tall for him.

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