17. Izuku's Mission Part 1

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Izuku and Aizawa jogged towards the location Hitoshi pointed out as Y/n's room. They were hopping they wouldn't encounter any mishaps on their way there and boy were they wrong. Aizawa had to pull Izuku with his scarf a couple of times when he heard guards walking down the hallways. He chastised Izuku for not paying attention and gave a deep sigh to an apologetic Izuku.

"I'm sorry. I'm really nervous..." Izuku shook his clammy hands, he could feel the sweat even through his gloves.

Aizawa patted Izuku's unruly messy green hair. "Trust in your own strength. She won't be the first person you'll encounter like this. Besides, you've already done it... with Eri. You already have the good heart of a hero and you've done this before. I have no doubts in your capabilities, you just need to get out of your head. Alright?"

Izuku looked over at Aizawa with admiration. He would be lying if he didn't feel like Aizawa was a father to him like All-Might is too. Aizawa is always good at giving advice and pep talks, he truly was like a second father to class 3-A. Even if he did have his questionable moments.

"Thanks Dad..." Izuku's eyes bulged when he realized what tumbled out of his mouth. "I'm sorry... oh gosh... I swear... I swear, I didn't mean to make it come out... like that... you're just... you know like a father... n-n-not that it's a bad thing." He waved his hands frantically at Aizawa, who still had no expression after hearing him say that word. "I-I s-see you and All-Might... sorry I'll shut up now."

Izuku stopped his rambling. Covering his mouth with his gloved hand, in attempt to stop the word vomit from spilling out.

Aizawa sighed heavily and gave Izuku a rare smile. "I swear you and Hitoshi will be the death of me."

Izuku was about to say something when he got stopped by Aizawa's scarf again. They both stuck to the wall around the corner as they heard the same guards pass by again.

"Man, I'm getting tired of this job. Who can stay sane at hearing her scream like that?" A big man wearing black clothes complained to his companion.

"Not like we're any better. Duane and I did beat the shit out of her sister earlier. Though now, he's probably dead from interfering when he shouldn't have. It also pays good, so there's that..." The other guard replied unbothered.

At hearing this Izuku's blood ran hot with rage.

Where they really doing those experiments on her today of all days? And what did they do to Rosalinda, to Y/n's sister?

He felt deep guilt for waiting outside safe in the van, while this whole time they were in here suffering.

They thought if they jumped quick at the chance of saving her, she wouldn't have to go through another session. However, it was too late she already was in a session. Izuku looked over at Aizawa, who gave him a rough quick head shake, signaling they had to wait.

But Izuku was done waiting, and so was she.

How long has she been in that room?

Aizawa must have seen the resolve in Izuku's eyes and was too late to stop him.

Izuku jumped out of his grasp. Ripping Aizawa's scarf with ease, he launched at the unexpected guards, startling them. It wasn't usual for them to fight under here.

Before they could use their quirk, Izuku jumped at one fist at the ready and letting his quirk take over. The green electricity around his body surged on. Speed becoming his ally. He knew he didn't need to use one hundred percent. He only needed enough to knock one out and question the shit out of the other one before back-up arrived.

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