49. Field of Dreams

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(Warning: Huge Manga spoilers! And curse words lol!)


"The Night We Met" by Lord Huron

"Rosas" by La Oreja de Van Gogh


"Slow the fuck down! Is she doing this herself?" Katsuki asked incredulously.

Izuku shook his head rapidly trying to stop Katsuki from thinking she was doing this completely on her own. "I don't think so. She didn't recognize me, and then there was this other man there." Katsuki's eye twitched at the mention of that. "Not that much older than us." Izuku rushed out so he wouldn't get upset, he needed Katsuki to think clearly. "I swear I've seen him before, but she called him En. I'm assuming her best friend who died. Though, I'm not sure why he would be there in the first place. Maybe a projection of him? He was the one who pushed me out. I know it wasn't her. And... um..."

A nervous Izuku rambled to Katsuki who was close to snapping at the trembling young man.

Katsuki rolling his eyes in annoyance, flicked Izuku on the forehead making him whine out in pain. "Out with it already."

Izuku rubbing the spot gently as he pouted, mumbled "This sounds crazy, but that person reminded me of Shigaraki."

If he couldn't see, Izuku would have thought no one was in the room with him for how silent it became.

Katsuki after a moment cackled, refusing to even consider it. "You've officially gone insane... Do you know how stupid that sounds!?"

"Just think about it!" Izuku pleaded out to be heard. "Remember when he was in her head when she first came to U.A. and we never knew how or why? What if this whole time, he's been connected to her like we are. Besides, with all the intel we've gotten from Tsukauchi, All-Might, Best-Jeanist, Hawks and Endeavor. Shigaraki and All for One are merged, remember? They've been in the shadows this whole time doing who knows what."

Izuku's green eyes were wide and full of worry, gnawing at his bottom lip for how nervous he was.

"Maybe bidding their time when they were ready, but that doesn't mean they weren't planning after the war in our first year of school. All for One has so many quirks, we don't even know how many or which ones he has. He could have a telepathic quirk too. What if this whole time Shigaraki's been able to see everything through her mind? I don't know if you remember, but he said something... dammit what was it?"

He messed with his dark green tresses, making them messier than they already were. Frustrated that he wasn't able to think clearly anymore because he wanted to hear her again.

"'Me and you were the only ones who were supposed have this connection'." Shouto whispered quietly.

Izuku and Katsuki's breath hitched, when they heard his voice for what felt like the first time. Eyes widened from how his dull eyes stared directly into their own.

Izuku's throat constricted, trying to swallow the lump for how sad Shouto sounded. This whole time he's never seen him act this way, not even when he broke up with Camie. Feeling tears prick at the corner of his eyes for his best friend, he whispered his name in worry.


Shouto's voice held no emotion, and though it's been a while since Izuku's heard it, it hurt to see his brother so numb and lost that he wasn't talking to anyone anymore. Both Katsuki and Izuku waited to see if he would talk more, hoping he would because that meant he was here with them. Ready to help them in their quest of getting their girlfriend back.

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