52. The Connecting Truth

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"Fire on Fire" by Sam Smith

"Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran


Shaking her hands back and forth, Y/n sweated nervously through her freshly picked out clothes Momo helped her with. Izuku mentioned cozy, so she was going to keep it casual. A cream A-line flowy skirt, with a dark green long-sleeved turtleneck shirt. The safest option in her opinion. Especially since it covered a hickey Shouto left behind from earlier. They almost didn't make it back to her room, when their kiss turned into another make out session. Leaving them both breathless.

The girl still felt the ghost of his touches, blushing bright red when she thought of what they did together.

Opting to wear see through green tights that matched with her shirt. Her scars were still visible but only if paid attention to. She was getting better with her scars, but it was all in baby steps. She'd been wearing less and less layers. However, she still chose to cover everything.

Twirling her thick braid, messing with the ends as she thought of Izuku – she contemplated their date. Y/n also wanted to make it special for her green haired boyfriend, so she got him a gift when he first asked her out. Taking her time to get him something special.

It'd been hiding in her closet for the longest time. She was very lucky her father was a Pro-Hero. It came with perks in finding limited collector's edition merch. Also having All-Might at the school, who was Izuku's all-time favorite hero, made it easy to get his signature on the gift. It costed her a fortune, but she didn't mind. She was sure now the value had gone up since it was signed by the hero himself.

Y/n never had a lot of money before. The little she earned at the club she spent it all on Miguel. So, when she got an allowance from Aizawa, she never knew what to spend it on. She would always give some to Hitoshi when he'd run out. Buy Eri and Miguel cute clothes when they went out. She even bought Aizawa clothes she thought would look good on him. She was slowly getting him out of just wearing black on black. Rosalinda wouldn't let her spend money on her, saying she needed it and to start buying herself things. Though, even if she did, Y/n still had a lot saved. Izuku's gift was expensive. However, it hadn't made that huge of a dent.

She also had another surprise for him in the identical backpack to Izuku's that she was taking with her. It was ironic how they had the same one when they met, and she was able to find another one when she lost her original one. She'd been ecstatic when she found it at the store one day. Hopefully what the backpack is hiding, he'll like both gifts. What she cooked him, which was in a warmer container and the gift she bought him. Bubble wrapped to the max to not cause any damage to it.

Playing with the ends of her skirt now, Y/n was mulling over if she should change when she heard a timid soft knock on her door. It was too soft that she almost didn't hear it. Shaking the nerves through her hands. Y/n tentatively walked to her door and opened it, being greeted by her blushing emerald eyed boyfriend. She admired how handsome he was in his dark green sweater with a white shirt underneath, his muscles stretching out his clothes because of how tone and lean he was. His dark jeans hugging him just right. And ah, his adorable timid smile and freckles adorning his beautiful face perfectly. Though, he'd lost all his baby fat in his second year after hitting that growth spurt and the constant exercise regimen he kept up with.

Izuku Midoriya was absolutely, inevitably radiant to his girlfriend.

As he always was.

Izuku staring back at her with wide eyes mumbled, "Wow... you're so perfect..."

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