43. A Seed of Doubt

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(*Please don't hate Ochako for this chapter, she's not wrong to feel the way she does. I also had to add some angst.*)

Katsuki not waiting for Izuku to take the first step, used his quirk to propel himself to his girlfriend. His palms lit up with a golden tinge of orange, fluorescent light as he sped over like a torpedo to where she stood. Y/n already knowing he would be the first to cave, wasted no time to surround them in pink smoke as he got closer. Humming to submerge them into a cloud of pink smoke. Both, Katsuki and Izuku knew breathing in the pink smoke would drug them rendering them useless. The positive they gathered from their training with her, was they had to breathe in the minimum as possible, to lessen the time it would take for her quirk to affect them. If they did this, they could fight and capture her before they became unable to. The training with her, was also training for them if they ever faced her in the sports festival as a foe.

The only way to get rid of the smoke was to either knock her unconscious, submerge her in water or blow it away. And that is exactly what Katsuki tried to do when he got closer and swung his legs forward, one arm pointed towards Y/n to attack her with one of his close-range explosions. Attempting to blow the smoke away with this strategy. This was the first time he was using a more powerful approach than he's had before. He knew he would take her down in an instant. There wasn't much Y/n could do with her quirk if it didn't work.

However, Katsuki breathed in the pink smoke more than he intended to, as he got closer. His senses becoming slower than usual.

Y/n was also using the full extent of her quirk she wasn't holding back. Unfortunately for Katsuki, once he took in a certain amount of her smoke, that was it for his quirk. Just like with Aizawa using his eyes. When Y/n used her smoke, her opponents quirk would turn off. Katsuki's eyes widened slightly when no sparks came out of his hand. And still in midair, he was losing momentum rather quickly, he needed to lessen his fall somehow. When the ground came extremely close, he tucked and rolled, tumbling, and rolling on the ground, causing some scratches on his exposed skin in the process. He was lucky he hadn't broken any bones, maybe a few scrapes here and there but it was better than the alternative.

Now on the floor, Katsuki was only a couple of feet away from Y/n. In the end he got what he wanted. However, he will have to fight in a daze because of her quirk's effects on his senses and fight quirkless. Still, this would not deter Katsuki Bakugou. No, this was the start for him. He was not a quitter, and he would fight until the end. Even if he was stumbling around drunk, as he attempted to get on his feet.

Once he was on his feet, though it took him a minute. He rolled his shoulders back to prepare for the fight. It's not like he hasn't fought with her before, they've done it many times. But this was different. In the training rooms, they would go slow to read each other's movements and give her practice of what to do when she was in a real fight. Her training with Katsuki consisted of using her quirk more, rather than just hand to hand combat like it did with Shouto.

Scarlet eyes met vermillion ones in a challenge. Both squaring off to go all out on this battle.

Not wasting any time, both ran towards each other, one's actions more sluggish than the other. Y/n will use the combat skills she learned from Shouto to fight Katsuki. She hoped it would be enough to take down the boulder of a man she called her boyfriend. She might not be as strong as him, but she was agile and fast. Like a graceful gazelle, who fought in swift and rapid motions. Since Y/n had the upper hand because Katsuki had no quirk at the moment, she took this chance to try and get close to him to hypnotize him with her purple smoke. She knew she wouldn't leave this battle unscathed. Still, she just hoped it wouldn't be bad to where she would have to go to recovery girl.

She would rather not go anywhere close to the nurse, for how scared she still was from any medical staff getting near her.

Nails digging into his gloved hands, tightly into a fist, Katsuki tried to punch Y/n at full force, and with each swing, she gracefully dodged each coming force with the palm of her hands as she expertly slapped his attempts away from hitting her. He would take a step forward, and she a step back in defense, when she dodged each hit.

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