78. Share Your Burdens

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"Numb" – Linkin Park
"To Die For" – Sam Smith
"Pray" – Sam Smith
"Rise Up" – Andra Day
"Don't Give Up On Me" – Andy Grammer


She'd been overdoing it lately. Her family and friends only wanted to help her out. However, she didn't want to keep roping them into this problem. Regardless of them being involved, she wanted to take care of everything on her own, like she's been doing her whole life. It wasn't about needing to depend on someone else. But rather, wanting them out of harms way. She was careless today and Rei, Inko and Mitsuki could've been badly hurt and not just them – her siblings too.

So yes, unfortunately in her mind, even though she knew it was wrong to think this way. She wanted to take care of everything. The rational part of her mind told her it was impossible, she was only able to get this far into the world because of those around her. She would never take that for granted. Still, seeing her brother's fear-stricken face made her feel horrible. Miguel has never looked so vulnerable before.

She should've done better.

A constant thought that wouldn't go away. She was beating herself mentally again for something out of her control. However, that's how she grew up to be. Take matters into her own hands. She needed a breather – needed a distraction again because that's how she's been coping this whole time. Pretending everything was okay until she could finally put her best friend to rest. Sometimes, even though fucking wrong to think about, she wished to have stayed clueless. Blind to the truth. Those, however, were coward thoughts. Ones she didn't dwell on, because in the end Y/n always did what was necessary, what was right.

And those around her, could tell she was ready to fall apart too. Even if she pushed her emotions down, something she should really learn not to do anymore. She didn't know how. Imagine being confined in a space for ten years, forced to act a certain way, be accustomed to it. Then out of nowhere freedom coming to you with open arms. However, coming with great consequences. Ones, she was always sheltered from, since always being in a leash.

Her mind was muddled with everything, one thought coming as fast as the other leaving – feeling stuck. Always stuck with no answer to silence her own mind. She was safe now, free. Still, how much was she willing to share with those around her. To help her through these tough times without it consuming them.

Ending them.

Why couldn't her mind accept that she finally had strong people with her as well. Ready to help and lift the burden that was theirs to share. Because it wasn't just hers, even though it felt like it was. She had to stop thinking of taking care of this by herself. In the end, if she chose that route, she knew chaos would erupt. The sports festival was proof of that. Her whole life in captivity was proof of it too. Everything always worked out better when they all contributed and helped each other.

The whole way to the police station she'd been quiet, unable to shut her own mind. They were questioned together because her family would not let her be alone through this ordeal. She was physically there, yet her mind kept wandering to the letter that was burning a whole in her pocket. Another matter, too many to count, that just kept tying up into knots. She hadn't even brought it up to the officers and neither had her family. The police would probably take it away, and she didn't want that. She would read it in front of her father, the person who she trusted the most, whose done everything for her since meeting each other.

Her worried mothers noticed how she'd space out of it at times, still they didn't pressure her. The three older women were there when she was ready to speak. Ready to open. Y/n would eventually open-up once she dealt with the emotions of it all.

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