19. Izuku's Mission Part 2

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She opened her eyes in realization.

Of course, it wouldn't be quick, it never was.

She felt the same large hand again. The hand of the creature whose been haunting her since she was nine. The warmth from the creature's healing quirk spilled into her, healing every cut the maniac man made. This felt different than the last times. She looked over at the creature and swore she saw pain flash in their eyes.

Then, it slowly walked over the far end of the room and stood in front of the corner again, sticking to its assigned place, waiting for its next order.

Once she felt her skin close and the pain lessen from the wounds, the doctor didn't give her any time to recover.

She screamed again, and again... and again as pain was the only thing she could feel anymore.

She didn't hear the doors open by force. She was suffering too much to look over, but she heard the doctor inhale harshly and felt the knife glide down her skin one last time. Making her whimper from the harsh slash.

"Well would you look at that dear Y/n, we have new visitors." Kyudai Garaki grinned at the hero duo, with blood dripping down his face. "It's been a while, Izuku Midoriya... Shouta Aizawa."

Once she heard his name...

Izuku's name...

Her head snapped towards his direction in a daze. The sweet boy she remembered from the store looked so angry from the last time she saw him.

Hands balled up into fists. Tightly gripped by his sides as he tried to control his rage. When he looked over at her, she saw his eyes narrow in rage. Studying her weak form, that was tied to the medical bed barely hanging on to life.

Glancing over his shoulder, Y/n saw an older man with black shoulder length hair, with a tired look in his eyes.

When he made eye contact with her, his black eyes widened in anger, flashing from black to red instantaneously. Then his eyes connecting with Garaki, directing his wrath at the short man.

After hearing her scream like that, Aizawa knew they would encounter a gruesome sight. Looking at her now though, he wasn't prepared for all the blood which caked her skin, the smell around the room was heavy with iron, he could practically taste it.

"I-Izu" she smiled weakly at him, a droplet of crimson rolling down her chin as she spoke. "You c-came."

Izuku saw how Y/n smiled in relief, he was about to go to her when he heard Garaki speak again.

"I wouldn't if I were you." He motioned towards the Nomu who was standing patiently at the corner. Garaki turned towards Y/n, making Izuku and Aizawa tense up from his movements. "This is what you meant by my luck running out. You cunning little girl... I should be angry, but I feel sort of proud of you."

He was about to caress her hair when she hissed at him.

"Don't fucking touch me..." She threatened, her anger resurfacing weakly.

Izuku took one step in her direction from hearing the distress of her voice. Anger not his, clouding his own judgment.

Garaki, took his knife and pointed it towards the girl's throat stopping Izuku's slow movements.

"Nah-ah-ah, one more step and I slit her throat" He warned at the two men, who were ready to jump at him at any second.

Y/n pushed her head down onto the bed and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to put as much distance as she could from the knife and her skin.

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