66. Two Can Play It That Way

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(Fluff and Lemon chapter!)


Tell Me the Truth – Two Feet

Do I Wanna Know? – Arctic Monkeys


"Izu, baby, please stop pouting. How was he supposed to know?"

Y/n laughed softly from Izuku's sour face. Kneading his biceps, that were wrapped around her – his chest to her back, easing him out of his pity party. His puffed-out freckled cheeks resting on her shoulder as they waited for Recovery-Girl to come back with the results of her exam.

Izuku had been true to his word, and he was right there with her throughout the whole ordeal.

Now he was sitting behind her on the medical bed. Holding her body close to his, arms wrapped around her body keeping her warm. Kissing her cheek every so often, to calm his raging hormones. With how big he was, Y/n's smaller body practically fit him like a teddy bear in his arms.

When Recovery-Girl mentioned she had to take out blood, well... Y/n panicked and Izuku, the ever-loving kind young man, sat behind her the whole time while he talked her down. His sweet words and promising plans of what their life would be, successfully distracting her. Speaking of his ideas of their hero agency. Just talking about anything and everything in life. He even ranted about new heroes who popped out recently in the news, all while he kissed her cheek and had her stare at him the whole time.

Murmuring, "You're doing so good baby, keep those beautiful eyes on me... we're almost done."

She didn't even feel the small pinch of Recovery-Girl taking her blood from the inside of her arm. Izuku the whole time made her keep eye contact with him, whispering words of encouragement to her parted lips. Forehead on hers. In that position Y/n could admire his emerald eyes. Different shades of green reflecting from his iris's – if one really paid attention to them.

Hanta decided to tag along with them when he interrupted them in her dorm room earlier. The whole time he stayed near the door, and when he heard her panicked breathing and whimpering, when Recovery-Girl told her she needed to take blood to get a laboratory analysis. He also helped to distract her. His heart breaking for his best friend for how traumatized she still was for anything that had to do with medicine. Even if it was to check her wellbeing.

Y/n wasn't kidding on how scared she was. Though she attempted to hide it, Izuku feeling everything, right away knew how hard this was for her. She kept fidgeting in his embrace, biting on her bottom lip and nails digging into her palm, creating crescent moon indents on her flesh. Izuku made sure to take both her hands and crown his fingers with her own, his thumb doing small circles on her skin. Reassuring her that everything was okay, and she was safe.

After they were done, he felt extremely proud of her. Telling her how strong she was. Grinning at her with his sweet inviting warmhearted smile, easing her worries.

Though, for the time being, Izuku was still upset at Hanta for disturbing him and Y/n earlier. Hence why he was grumbling at his classmate.

"Yeah, dude I'm sorry, alright. I didn't know you two were getting it on. Besides, who has sex at the butt crack of dawn?" Hanta laughed softly, getting a small glare from the freckled young man. Standing near the end of the bed, while he too waited for his best friend's results. He did promise Katsuki after all to let him know of anything wrong straight away.

"You cocked blocked us Sero." Izuku bit out, voice going deeper. "How would you like it if someone did that shit with you and –"

"Anyways, did something happen Hanta?" Y/n interrupted Izuku's small rant before he got out of control. Taming his viper venom like tongue.

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