30. Real or Not Real

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Let me know what you all think of this chapter! Any feedback is appreciated! I'm going to try to write longer chapters from now on. And thank you so much, for all the reads. I'm really happy you guys are giving this story a chance.


(Warning: Mature Content (Lime) in this chapter!)

Y/n groaned as she hit the black mat for what felt like the hundredth time. She and Shouto have been sparing for about thirty minutes in relative silence. Shouto signed the four of them up for a private session at Gym Gamma in U.A. Officially starting on her training after school ended.

The gym was next to the main campus, in its own building. A wide-open space with a high ceiling. The walls were made of concrete, windows surrounded the walls closer to the ceiling than the ground. Head lights illuminating the floor, pointing down. They were able to request a mat for them to spar on and a couple of other equipment for Y/n to start gaining muscle as well.

Shouto was a man of few words, however, it didn't diminish the presence he held when he walked into a room. His stoic persona could be misinterpreted as uninterested. But under those, mismatched, grey and cerulean eyes, Y/n knew better. Every breath taken and every movement she made, he watched it all with a new intensity.

The whole time she attempted to keep her gaze onto anything around the room that wasn't Shouto Todoroki. However, it was a harder task than she originally thought. The way he was dressed didn't help keep her eyes away any better either.

Shouto wore black sweats and a long black sleeve shirt. The shirt seemed like it would rip at any moment. Muscles constricting with every movement and leaving little to the imagination as he continued to instruct Y/n on proper fighting forms to not hurt herself. Stealing quick glances at him while he talked.

She didn't know if he was oblivious or decided to not say anything about it.

Images of Shouto on top of her kept flooding her mind, it was difficult not to wonder how he looked under the thin material protecting him from her hungry gaze. The images engraved into her mind from the morning weren't very detailed and didn't do him justice.

Now she couldn't tame her curiosity.

Every time she caught his eyes, there was a different almost hunger gaze she didn't notice before. There were times his eyes lingered on her figure too, masking it better than she did of course.

"Focus Y/n." Shouto's warning voice brought her back to the task at hand. Helping her get back up after she was laying on the ground dumbfounded for a couple of minutes.

It didn't take long to sweep her feet from underneath her and make her fall once again to the floor.

"I think this is you trying to get back at me for this morning." Y/n propped her elbows on the matt. Bringing up the elephant in the room.

Shouto stayed close to her all day but was reluctant to say anything other than yes and no's when she asked him something. The other two went AWOL, avoiding her at all costs. She only saw them at their desks in class. And when they had breaks or walking through the hallways, forget it.

It seemed like they would disappear whenever her eyes left their figures. She wanted to use her telepathic quirk to reach out to them, but figured they needed space. From seeing their reactions, she could tell she over did it with her quirk.

Sighing heavily, she took his awaiting hand to help her back up again. "Look I'm sorry about this morning."

Gripping onto her hand tightly, he pulled her up with a sharp force, making her yelp in surprise. Colliding his body with hers, her other hand stopped the momentum of crushing completely into him by placing it on the lower part of his stomach. Having to mentally stop herself from letting her hand wander, swallowed thickly from the tension growing.

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