84. What We've Done

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Warning: Manga Spoilers, sort of! Almost getting to the end guys! Thank you all so much for your support!


"Pray For Me" – The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar

"What I've Done" – Linking Park


Feeling cold from the shawl that barely covered her, wearing a sparkling bra and thin shorts underneath – one of the performing outfits she was forced to wear for the afterhours show. A young fifteen-year-old Y/n attempted to cave in on herself while she sat on a lone chair. Facing a blank tv, waiting to speak with the person who owned this club and everyone's lives. There was nothing else in the room other than a one-way mirror and a tv. It gave her chills not knowing the face of the person she'd speak with today. She's only heard his voice and has never seen his face before.

Still, she felt lucky that was the case. She was simply brought here by Mama, claiming she had no choice. Rosalinda didn't have time to protest as Y/n was pulled away from the group of girls.

Y/n's been in this dark room only once. When she was nine years old. And apparently, she was needed again, so here she was like a good little prisoner waiting for the mysterious man who held her siblings and her life in the palm of their hand. She's only spoken to him once, when he gave her directions on what he needed from her. She remembers very vividly because the loss of her best friend was still fresh in her grieving mind. She couldn't comprehend at the time, why Tenko died, or even how. Whenever she asked Mama or even the Dr., as she knew them at that time, she was ignored.

Glancing around the room, Y/n shivered involuntarily. Leg bouncing from anxiety, when thinking of her siblings. Despair attempting to drag her into the depths of her dark mind. Hugging her shoulders in, palm trying to heat up her cold skin. It was weird to sit in front of a tv as the person who literally owned her, gave commands as though he was training a dog.

She couldn't help but wonder what he wanted from her this time.

When she was nine, he asked to see her quirk, to use it against one of the guards. He was behind the one-way mirror. She remembered his deep tenor tone. At that time, she didn't know she was dealing with All for One. That day she also found out what true power she had. It scared her to no end. Of course, she hadn't shown him right away, not until the guard started beating her into submission. When her brother was brought it, just a baby at that time, at hearing his cries she finally gave in to what All for One wanted. She was still so young, and the bastard applauded her, calling her the perfect project. She only used her pink smoke. However, it was enough to frighten her. The guard writhed on the floor as he breathed in the smoke. Getting drunk and becoming obsessed with her quirk effects. Other guards had to pull him away from her once it became obvious, he would kill her for more.

That guard's face still lives in her mind since that dreadful day she's never seen him again. And everyone treated her differently after that.

It was the first night she couldn't go to sleep. The thought of Tenko plagued her young mind. Remembering his soft raspy voice, or his childish giggles when she made him laugh, it was the only thing that kept her going. The memory of him lived heavily in her mind. Keeping her alive. She focused on every memory she had of him other than the fear of her quirk. She truly feared herself after showing her captors her quirk. How she wished to be with her best friend and parents instead of the hell she was living.

Static coming from the tv, had her fifteen-year-old muddled mind stop. Sitting up straight and ready for what was to come, she stared at the dark tv, only seeing a silhouette of a man. The emotion of despair living in her heart. Feeling dead on the inside as her life only kept getting worse and worse. Still, the young girl always forced a smile for her siblings and friends' sake. Because they would make it out of there, she was sure of it. Regardless of how dark her world was at this moment – she wasn't giving up.

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