33. Brotherly Bonds

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Y/n laughed awkwardly, nerves and anxiety spreading through her chest. She chose to ignore her heart, yet again and continued to lean on his shoulder, welcoming his warmth. Her eyes closed as they sat in a comfortable silence. Her nose wrinkling at little when she smelled something sweet in the air. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, getting closer to Katsuki, and inhaling his sent into her lungs.

Katsuki grimaced and cursed under his breath. Scolding himself for not taking a shower after his work out, he probably smelled like caramel.

Y/n stared into his vermillion eyes, with mischief swimming in those e/c eyes of hers. "Katsuki, why do you smell like candy?"

Great, Katsuki thought.

If he told her about it, she wouldn't let him live it down. Embarrassed and with tinted red cheeks, he cleared his throat to spill his secret.

However, before he could say anything. They heard a couple of footsteps and rushed talking outside the training room, both looking away momentarily from each other.

Katsuki almost thanked the heavens when he was saved by Shouto running to where they sat and practically shoved him out of the way.

"Fucking, hell! Icy-Hot, calm down, she's fine!" Katsuki whispered-yelled after being shoved away from Y/n and so brutally too.

Shouto with his right hand at the ready with his ice quirk, placed it over Y/n's eyes without a second thought. She winced from the quick change of temperature then sighed in relief when her eyes stopped throbbing.

"Thank you, my prince." She gave him a closed eyed grin.

"Princess, I cannot express how upset I am at you right now." He scolded her right away. Ignoring Katsuki's grumbling protests from being shoved away.

"Here we go..." Y/n mumbled when Shouto began to reprimand her.

Y/n heard Izuku giggle when Shouto started to whisper yell at the girl for being so reckless with herself. However, still remembering to keep his voice down and being considerate for the headache she had.

Still, wanting to get his point across he let his unfiltered mouth ramble off. While handing her the pain medication to take.

Y/n opened her eyes obediently when he told her to open them and gave her the eyedrops she requested. It stung at first, but after a few seconds the feeling went away. Then he put his cold fingers on her eyes again. Still ranting about how this could permanently damage her eyesight if she continued to ignore the warning signs.

"Y/n, I think you've become a masochist at this point. In some situations that is fine. There is a fine line between pain and pleasure. However, never with your health." Shouto grumbled agitated.

Y/n almost choked on the water she was sipping. Sometimes, Shouto's bluntness knew no bounds.

Her, Izuku and Katsuki turned bright red from his comment. Shouto didn't seem to notice how they all avoided eye contact, as he kept going off.

How could she treat her health like it was nothing?! Shouto thought to himself. "You need to start listening to your body when it tells you to stop... Of all the things, we already have a careless Izuku and Katsuki we don't need another one! I didn't even feel the pain, which is weird –"

"Oi!" Katsuki protested, while covering his reddened cheeks.

Izuku only rolled his eyes, already used to Shouto's rantings.

However, Shouto didn't give them any mind and continued. "– because last time, I was able to pinpoint you right away when I felt your anxiety. I don't understand." He mumbled quietly. "If you don't start saying anything sooner young lady. I am going to follow you around. Who else is going to take care of you if you don't do it yourself –"

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