85. When Tomorrow Comes

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(Warning: Small Lemon in this chapter. Sorry for the wait everybody, I'll try my hardest to post the next chapter as soon as possible. Next chapters are also going to be long. Not sure how long the battle will take, but after there will be a time skip. I'm adding one more lemon chapter before the end! Again, thank you all for your support and sticking through the story, it means the world to me. I can't express how thankful I am! Till next time! - TR)


"Bagdad – Cap.7: Liturgia" – ROSALIA

"You Can't Stop the Girl" – Bebe Rexha


Swooshing sounds and connecting palms echoed around the training room, as Y/n fought her fiancés with a serious expression. Taking two of them at a time, the perfect practice for next week. Every strike, she dodged and effortlessly pushed back with her own attack. Mind troubled by replaying the conversation they had with Yuga. If there was a chance to win all of this if she sacrificed herself, shouldn't they take it? Looking at the bigger picture, which she was – she knew it was the smartest choice. Then again, she couldn't go against her loved ones wishes because there would be a big chance that if she went that route, she'd end up dying.

However, she wasn't a hypocrite.

She didn't want to choose that option because that's exactly what Shouto, Katsuki and Izuku did for the sports festival. In taking care of everything themselves, in the end their plan didn't work in their favor.

Still, was her life worth a huge loss?

"Princess." Shouto's deep voice rang through her mental debate. Gaining her attention, as ocean eyes turned to scarlet from her emotions. Both still moving around one another, switching from offense to defense in this friendly battle. His eyes narrowing, already knowing what she was thinking about.

"Can we not talk about it Shouto?" Y/n deflected, grunting as she blocked his palm with her forearm and slapped his hand away. Taking a defensive stance, watching his moves carefully, ready for his next attack – both taking this training seriously for the upcoming battle.

Izuku stepping into the fight from behind, locked her arms with a strong grip to her back, "Ignoring it won't make it go away. Besides we still need an explanation." He told her softly, holding her still, as both their eyes connected. Watching her struggle from his hold, he whispered to encourage her, "Come on, you know what to do to get out. You won't hurt me."

Taking his direction, Y/n took a big breath before pushing her body back. Stomping on his foot to make him lose his balance. Then hitting his ribs with a closed fist, making him fall to his knees in a low grunt. Then finally kicking him to the ground. Not a single move wasted, as she learned from the three of them. To make up for her brunt kick however, feeling remorse for possibly harming her lovely shooting star, even though she didn't. Y/n squished his freckled cheeks and kissed his lips giving him a gentle smile once she released him.

Izuku chuckling told her truthfully, "That was better, but you can't hesitate... we're making sure you're ready for anything in case we're not with you. Stop holding back angel."

"I'll be fine..." she reassured, "we talked about me fighting the three of you to prove my strength, but honestly I don't need to, and we don't even have the time for that." She waved the idea away, facing off with Shouto again, who with two fingers beckoned her to fight him. "Besides I don't want to actually hurt you." Her eyes became soft when she shared a look with all of them, "I'll make sure nothing happens to either of you."

"Can you stop that." Katsuki bit out, from the sidelines. Big arms crossed over his hard chest. Vermillion eyes trained on all her fighting moves, irises burning scarlet, because he too could feel her feelings about all this. "You keep saying shit that gets on my nerves you know." He grunted displeased. In Katsuki language, that meant he was worried. He knew she was stepping on a fine line of no return if something went wrong. Once she started fighting Shouto again, he called out, "Tighten your form, or someone can hurt you by hitting your weak spots." Eyes narrowed in concentration, watching how she took his direction as she fought his best friend, he hummed approvingly, "Good. Now try to sweep his feet from under him."

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