14. The Aizawa Family

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"Refrain from bringing personal matters into your professional work. There will be many instances you will work with other heroes you do not agree with or get along with." Aizawa's eyes glowed scarlet, scaring his students into submission. "Or rescue someone you would rather not... Fatgum, after hearing their arguments, what would you like to do. This is your mission after all." Aizawa got into his yellow sleeping bag after getting no snarky remarks or comments from them. Laying near one of the walls of the room, already done with the drama and ready for sleep.

"Aside from the comments. I have to agree with Dynamite. Uravity you will also have me, pro-hero Suneater, and the police department backing you up. If things get out of hand, we have Endeavor on standby as well as Hawks. This is scary, I realize that. However, as your teacher mentioned this will be great experience for all of you. I want you all to be involved as the main team with us giving you support." Fatgum stated awkwardly over the phone, having somewhat of an idea of what the issue was with the class.

"Do you think you will be okay to continue?" He asked carefully to the brown-haired young hero.

"Yes, sir. I apologize for letting my feelings get involved." Ochako murmured softly. Feeling embarrassed as she looked around the room and realized how everyone was staring at her. They all obviously cared for her.

However, they were worried for how out of character she was acting.

"No need to apologize Uravity. You don't have to be nervous. I know your team will do great." Fatgum praised her trying to make her feel better.

After everyone got situated again, they went over the details of the plan.

They were able to get a map of the underground facility. The information was leaked by an employee at the club Hitoshi brainwashed. The team was placing their names on what locations they were going to be at when this all started. Strategizing for possible fights that would take place.

Aizawa was proud of how far his students had come. They would bicker a lot. Most of the times for useless things, but they were a tight-knit group. Aizawa started thinking of the girl they were going to rescue and the little boy. It was clear they'd been orphaned like Eri was.

When Katsuki talked to Aizawa about Y/n's quirk, he was surprised at how similar it was to him, Hizashi and Nemuri's. He already spoke with them and came up with the conclusion it would be best to keep Y/n, her brother and the other young woman together.

There was also a lot they still did not know about her and her quirk. They would have to get the information from her directly.

He was already working to get them legal status in Japan and to adopt them. He was taking care of all the legal issues while his class took care of the rescuing. It certainly helped a lot to have connections to the government. They owed him a few favors from his hero work, and he wanted to get this done quickly before CPS got involved.

They would make room with Eri and Hitoshi after they get rescued. Aizawa didn't mind in adding three other members to his small family, it excited him even if he didn't show it. Eri would have another brother her age she could play with and two older sisters who could love her and teach her things he couldn't.

Aizawa had a feeling, Y/n was the nurturing type, something Eri needed. Aizawa could only give out so much emotion and Nemuri was – well she was Nemuri. Hizashi was more of a fun uncle to Hitoshi and Eri.

"Hey, pops."

Aizawa felt Hitoshi slightly tap him with his foot. He was on the ground on his side, cocooned in his yellow sleeping bag with his head tucked inside. Still lying near the wall. He hadn't noticed Hitoshi get close to him.

"Kid, I told you to call me sensei while we were here. We don't want to make anyone uncomfortable." Aizawa grunted lazily.

"Nah, they don't mind. They already know you're my adoptive father anyways." Hitoshi shrugged lazily, he sat down near his father's head. "I have a feeling we're getting more siblings?" Hitoshi questioned, side eyeing his father.

"Are you going to be okay with that? That means you and Eri will have to share more." Aizawa looked over towards the messy curly haired purple young man.

In a way he also rescued Hitoshi after learning the truth of his home life. He didn't know how he did it but he hid information from the school very well. They didn't talk a lot about it, Hitoshi was a private person after all and Aizawa respected his privacy to not ask unnecessary questions. Especially if he didn't want to talk about it.

Aizawa only knew the important parts, Hitoshi needed help and Aizawa was willing to give it, so he adopted him too. They may not be blood related, but there was a lot of similarities between them. It brought a small smile to Aizawa's face, thinking of this.

Hitoshi looked towards the mess of the future heroes who were fighting about who needed to be where.

Katsuki being held back by Eijirou because of something Tsuyu said. She had her tongue out in a lopsided grin, while Ochako giggled behind her. Tenya was waving his hands trying to calm everyone down. Hanta and Denki were trying hard to hold back their laugher as Katsuki decided to take out his anger on them instead. Izuku and Shouto were talking in rushed hushed voices away from everyone else.

"I think we'll be fine. Technically, you have a farm of kids already, adding three more won't change anything... do you..." he cleared his throat, trying to gather his bearings. "Do you think they'll need counseling like we did?"

Hitoshi was there with Eri when she had to go through all her counseling sessions. He was okay to go on his own for his scheduled ones. At first, he resented Aizawa for it. In the end, it was better for him to talk with someone about everything he went through. He only needs to go once a month now. Eri still goes every two weeks to make sure she's mentally okay.

At first it took a while for her to open up to Hitoshi. She finally accepted him when he brought home a stray cat, he found inside the school grounds. Their love for furry animals is what brought them closer together.

When Eri meets new people, she always stays behind Hitoshi or Aizawa and hangs on to the back of their clothes. Having another girl around their home dorm and their outside school home will help her a lot. Nemuri is great, but she's not there all the time.

"I hope Eri will be okay with it." Hitoshi sighed tiredly. He hasn't been getting a lot of sleep these past couple of days. Having to use his quirk constantly and gathering information from that guard yesterday drained him.

"I don't think it will be a problem. If anything, I saw a spark of hope when I mentioned big sisters to her." Aizawa chuckled lowly. "She'll finally have someone she can play make-up with. We won't be her guinea pigs anymore."

"Alright! Teams have been decided." Tenya interrupted Aizawa and Hitoshi.

Both father and son groaned and got up to look at the map that was on the desk. Aizawa was looking over every detail while he slurped on a juice inside his sleeping bag. Taking a picture and sending it to Fatgum for a final approval. Said man was still on the phone and praised all the students for their decision.

"We need a good night sleep everybody. Tomorrow Phase III begins." Fatgum announced over the phone.

Izuku fidgeted nervously. He was going in first and was tasked to find Y/n. Glad it was him, who was chosen. However, feeling nervous in seeing her again. The last time he'd seen her, he wasn't able to talk with her properly. This time, he would finally save her. He just hoped nothing would get in his way like it did with Eri.

Katsuki was also going underground, however his main target was to get the rest of the girls out.

It was decided Shouto would rescue Y/n's little brother and he would also freeze anyone around the area to incapacitate them. He would need Hitoshi with him to interrogate everyone and find where he was being held.

The rest of the team would be taking care of the upper floor.

Tomorrow was going to be a long night.

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