20. Future's Beacon of Hope

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(Manga Spoilers!)

After cleaning her up as best as he could and wrapping clean gauze on her wrists and ankles for her injuries. Y/n knowing she was safe let go of Izuku, finally putting her weight on her own feet, as he helped her stand up. She felt a little disoriented, but she pushed through it. Y/n let her arms become lose from Izuku's neck. Letting them glide down his torso, gripping the front of his hero suit.

Holding on for dear life with in her now clean hands, she whispered "Thank you..." she looked up to his emerald, green eyes. "You've saved my life, and I will forever be in your debt."

The feeling was overwhelming, she never thought freedom would be given to her as well. She felt like she could fly. She saw how Izuku's eyes glistened in the lighting.

Unable to form any words from the gratitude she gave him. He nodded at her and gave her a big smile. His freckles and big green eyes softening his hard features. Whatever she was feeling, he was feeling it as well. Being this close to her, magnified those emotions. He's never felt this before. It felt warm and it spread throughout his body.

He felt like he could do anything in that moment.

Aizawa grunted interrupting the young hero and young female. "We should get going Midoriya before I lose my patience with this menace."

Garaki was knocked out on the floor. Clearly Garaki must have done something to Aizawa to get on his nerves if he was now unconscious. A couple of minutes ago he was yelling in a muffle. Now he was fast asleep.

Izuku looked towards where the Nomu was and saw how his teacher also detained the creature in what seemed like homemade handcuffs. Aizawa improvised with materials from around the room since the regular handcuffs they got wouldn't fit the bird looking creature.

They weren't expecting to encounter a Nomu today. It was a good thing; it was just standing there obediently.

Izuku didn't realize how his sensei moved around the room getting everything ready for them to go while Izuku talked to Y/n in hopes of calming her down. Cleaning up the blood that still lingered on her skin as best as he could.

Izuku nervously looked up at his sensei. Forgetting he was there all along and probably saw the whole interaction between himself and Y/n. He could tell, with Aizawa narrowing his eyes at him – he was scrutinized the whole ordeal in his mind.

"Rig-ght sir!" Izuku saluted at him, becoming stiff as a board, and earning a small laugh from Y/n.

Izuku took a step back from her to give them some space, hiding his reddened face. Mumbling away from her and slowly taking steps back. Trying to alleviate his erratic heartbeat. He didn't realize he had been closer than he meant to.

Normally when saving civilians, they wouldn't get too close to him. Noticing how close they gravitated to each other he felt his face heat up again from embarrassment.

Y/n turned to Aizawa curiously, not seeing Izuku gradually turn like a tomato behind her. Her full attention was now on the black-haired male. She put her hand on the bed to keep herself upright as she tried to walk closer to him in shaky steps.

"Who are you?" she asked with curiosity, her head tilting at him like a puppy.

Aizawa saw a memory of younger Eri flash in his mind. Doing the exact same thing when she first talked to him. Y/n getting closer to him, made Aizawa feel nervous under her puzzling stare.

He hadn't thought how he was going to communicate with her, she had to trust him to be able to live with him, Hitoshi and Eri. With Eri it was different, she didn't know a lot about the world after she was rescued. Whatever was asked of the young girl she did.

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