Chapter 8

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After those nights, both Haru and Seiyu decided to keep on living their current life even how to hurt it was for them to leave everything dear to them just like that. With Seiyu continues working at his workplace while Haru continues with her cafes.

"Haru-chan!! Hot tea as usual for this old man!", said the old man to Haru.

"Okay.", answered Haru with a smile at the old man. Hearing the order, Haru doings her job of preparing the hot tea for the customer.

"Here.", she said while putting the cup of hot tea on the table.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome.", she said.

"Fufufu~ Haru-chan looks different these days.", said the old woman.


"Hahaha...what grandma said is true! Our Haru-chan usually looks cheerful and happy but right now you look calm and peaceful person.", said the old man who is the husband to the old woman. Hearing that, Haru lil a bit surprised at how her customer could tell how different she is right now.

"Hehe~ I just being like my usual self.", said Haru while smiling warmly at them, causing both the old couple to feel the warmth from her smile.

"I wished Haru-chan is my grandchild.", said the old woman as she really wished for Haru to be her grandchild.

"I'm your granddaughter then.", said Haru while smiling softly at the old woman.

"Then call me grandma from now on, Haru-chan!", said the old woman while softly grabbing both Haru's hands.

"Hehe~ sure, grandma.", said Haru.

"Hey, Hey! Call this old man, grandpa as well!", said the husband, causing both Haru and the wife to burst into laughter at how childish the old man's behavior is.

As they enjoyed their time, suddenly the doorbell of the cafe is ringing, showing the figures of the man wearing a suit.

"I have a customer, I will go first, grandma and grandpa.", said Haru while waving her hand with both couples also waving their hands to her. After walking closer to the cashier, Haru finally takes a close look at her customer. Her eyes were wide open as she didn't expect to meet the person.

Even he was wearing a black mask, Haru still could recognize the person. The person who keeps on having a war with her son, Hiroshi. A person that she keeps on having fights during their teenage time. A person who is so loyal to Mikey and even to niisan . The person has rosy pink hair with that blue eyes and his long eyelashes like her sister-in-law, Kawaragi Senju.

'Sanzu Haruchiyo.', Haru thoughts as she looks at the man in front of her with a smile. 'If I remembered it back, it's was Mochi who came to buy all flavors of dorayaki and taiyaki, but today it's was a different person. Hope you didn't die, Mochi-kun.', her thoughts while keeps on smiling at her customer.

"Yes, sir. Anything to order?", asked Haru.

"Do you still have Dorayaki and Taiyaki?", asked Sanzu.

"Yes. We do still have it. Any flavor?", asked Haru again.

"All of it.", said Sanzu which he is smiling under his mask with his eyes closed.

"Eh? All flavors?", asked Haru again.

"No. I mean...All. Of. It.", he said one by one word. "Don't leave any of dorayaki and taiyaki. And a take-out, please.". Haru was speechless as she keeps on smiling at him.

'This motherfucker is still the same as ever.', her thoughts as she puts her smile face. If it's possible, she really wants to pull his fucking long hair so much.

"Sure. Please wait a moment.", said Haru with Sanzu waiting for her to pack up the snacks. Sanzu keeps on staring at Haru nonstop, observes her every action. After a few minutes, Haru finished packing up all of the Dorayaki and taiyaki she has.

"It's 3992.31 yen all of it.", said Haru. Hearing the price, Sanzu took out a black card and gives it to Haru as she stares at the black card which is sparkling.

"Erm...sir, can you pay it in cash?", asked Haru.

"Sorry. I don't have cash with me.", he said as he puts the black card on the table. "You can have this black card as the payment for this. Don't worry, it's content a thousand in here.", he said as he starts to carry all the boxes of dorayaki and taiyaki out of the cafe.

"Wait!!", Haru shouts as she was about to call for him, but sadly that motherfucker has already disappeared from her sight.

"Does he shallows pills before coming here? Who is on the right mind to just give a black card to anyone like this? Oh, wait. Of course, the current him would do that.", she said while facepalming her forehead.

Haru then stares at the shining black card in her hand in disbelief. "Koko probably gonna sue him.", she said.

"Even good to meet you again, Sanzu.", said Haru while smiling softly at the path which Sanzu disappeared to.















-At Bonten Hideout-

"MIKEY!! I BOUGHT THE DORAYAKI AND TAIYAKI FOR YAR!!", shout Sanzu while kicking the door of the room strongly. With Mikey sitting on the couch, looking annoyed and the rest of the executives who looks at him in disbelief.

"He's dead, for sure.", said Rindou.

"Haihh...Mikey is not in a good mood, and that motherfucker is increasing his anger even more.", said Kakucho while Takeomi already facepalms his forehead, looking so done.

"Sanzu...", call Mikey as he looks so pisses and became more darker.

"I bought the dorayaki and taiyaki at the same store where's Mochi got for yar last time.", said Sanzu with a smile on his face. Hearing what Sanzu said, Mikey's face become light up as he hears it was the dorayaki and taiyaki from the same store as the last time.

Mikey stands up from his seat and walked towards Sanzu as he grabbed all the boxes from him and walked away with all of them, leaving the rosy pink hair in clueless and disbelief with his boss's unexpected behavior.

"I guess there's still remaining child side inside him.", said Takeomi while letting out a small laugh.

"Yea...", said Kakucho.

"Anyway...give back the black card, Sanzu.", said Kokonoi while walking closer to Sanzu who flinch as Kokonoi suddenly mentioned the black card. Sanzu already avoided having eye contact with Kokonoi as he turns to look in different directions.

"You- where's the black card that I gave to you?", asked Kokonoi.

"Erm...I think that I gave it to the owner as the payment for those all dorayaki and taiyaki.", said Sanzu, causing Kokonoi to look at him in disbelief.


"Hmm~ maybe I did shallow some pills", said Sanzu, causing the white long hair guy to be angrier and pissed with him.


"This house gonna be lively again...", said Ran, as he looks at Kokonoi and Sanzu, are having fights between them.

"Agree...", said Kakucho while Rindou already burst into laughter.

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