Chapter 80

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After Mikey reveals that he already has his memories back, Haru won't let go of him from her eyes. She keeps holding his hand for the entire time of their walk at the park. Keeps make sure the guy memories were still there in his head. Who knows? This guy is good at acting after all. Mikey enjoys though, seeing her being like that.

"I'm not acting nor my memories will disappear, Haruchin.", said Mikey who his face was held by Haru who keeps seriously staring at him.

"Keeps calling me Haruchin. We don't know when someone will mess up with our memories and life again!", said Haru in a serious tone while still gentle holding both of Mikey's cheeks. (Why do I feel offended by that?💀)

"Haha...if that someone really exists, I'm gonna nuclear kick their ass for messing with our life.", said Mikey while kissing Haru's cheek.

Both of them continue to walk more at the park before deciding to go back to the hotel for a rest since tomorrow they still have many places to visit around Osaka.


The next morning, Haru wakes up early in the morning and sees the white hair guy is still sleeping soundly beside him. Knowing Mikey, he probably will wake up late like always he used to be, so she decided to take a bath first and prepare herself before him.

*          *         *

"Nee...Manjirou. Wake up...", said Haru while slowly shaking the sleepy guy. Mikey opened up his eyes which he sees his girl is smiling softly at him. He then pulled her down to the bed as he hugged her tightly while continuing sleeping.

"Come on... we should go and get breakfast.", said Haru while convincing the white hair guy who didn't even budge from his position.

"5 minutes more~", he said while drowning his head on Haru's chest. Seeing him being such a kid, Haru looks down at him in the defeated expression on her face, understanding that she can't even fight him longer when he is like that. However, some ideas popped up inside her head as she suddenly smirk.

"Really? Hmm....I heard there's a dorayaki and taiyaki store around the place that we want to breakfast at...I was afraid that it will be sold out early if we late though.", said Haru in a wondering tone, which gets the attention of Mikey as the sound of dorayaki and taiyaki reach his ears.

"I will be finished in 5 minutes!", he said, immediately waking up from the bed and running towards the bathroom in hurry. Then, the loud sound could be heard from the bathroom which shocked Haru by the strong sound like someone just slipped or strongly fall to the ground.

"I'M OKAY!!!", shout Mikey from the bathroom, which makes Haru speechless for a moment before she lets out a laugh.


"Your love for dorayaki and taiyaki never change.", said Haru while treating Mikey's bruises on his face which he slipped inside the bathroom a moment ago.

"It's was my fav after all..ah-", he answered while feeling the pain from the bruises.

"Actually, I just lie to get you to wake up from the bed.", said Haru bluntly which make Mikey shocked as his soul just fly out from his body. Knowing there's no dorayaki and taiyaki at all, his life became dull and blank as he was gloomy at the corner of the room. Thinking about how he should continue his life. Haru looks at him in disbelief but she thinks he was being cute as she loved him acted like he used to.

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