Chapter 24

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As the night kept on going, Haru walks closer to her brother who patiently waited in front of the operation room.

"How is he?", asked Haru.

"Critical?", said Seiyu in hesitation. Seeing his brother looks so down, Haru just quietly sits beside him. It's quiet again between both of them as they just hoping for Takemichi's safety right now.

"Takemichi remembers.", said Seiyu suddenly, causing Haru to turn and look at Seiyu in shock.


"Takemichi got his memories back. He even called me aniki again.", said Seiyu while smiling sadly as he remembers the moment in the car as they were on their way to the hospital.

"Is that so...?", asked Haru, to which Seiyu just nodded his head as his answer. Haru doesn't know how she says anymore, she was just happy that her friend got his memories back. She also wishes for the rest of them to remember their memories as well, especially Mikey.

After a few hours of waiting, finally, the doctor walked out from the operation room as Seiyu quickly moved closer to the man and ask...

"How is he??", asked Seiyu in worried.

"He lucky. If he came late a few seconds more, he probably won't be saved.", said the doctor with a smile on his face, causing Haru and Seiyu to let out a sigh of relief after hearing what the doctor said.

"Let's meet him again tomorrow.", said Seiyu.











As the siblings arrived at their apartment, immediately both of them just straight to their room to sleep. With Haru, after getting inside her room, she took off her clothes and stand in front of the mirror as she stares at the bite marks all over her neck which was left behind by Mikey.

"Even this is the first time I encounter with Mikey's Bonten, I never expect to see this side of him.", said Haru while staring at marks on her neck as she recalls back how Mikey has raped her in the building.


At some nightclub in the city of Tokyo, which the music was playing with many people dancing all night. A private room was set up for a special guest which promotes many alcohol and women for the guest. Thinking it will be a place like heaven which could fill up the desire, wasn't expected to turn out as hell.


The screaming could be heard all over the room, but couldn't be heard from outside as it was soundproof. The rosy pink hair man grins madly as he enjoys torturing his prey.

"Man~ yar really dares to mess up with Bonten, don't yar?", asked Sanzu while stepping onto the guy's head.

"Do you think we won't find out?", asked Sanzu as he keeps on stepping the head harder, causing the guy to groan in pain. As Sanzu was busying on torturing, the rest of the executives just stared at him with Mikey sitting on the couch.

"How much did we lose?", asked Mikey.

"Half of it.", said Kokonoi. Hearing that, Mikey frowned his eyebrows. He didn't like that the sound of results from Kokonoi about how much they've had lost in the sales of their drugs. These people are daring to snap half of the sales for themselves without the permission of the leader, which is Mikey.

"Finished those involved.", said Mikey in his serious tone, causing all of the victims to shock as they heard what Mikey said. Hearing Mikey's order, the executives started to move which caused the victims to scream and beg Mikey to forgive them.



Before the man could finish his words, a shot was fired by Ran on his head, causing the rest of them to be terrified and some of the women even screamed in fear after witnessing the scene.

"Too loud.", said Ran while smiling after shots the man.

One by one, they kill all of them, until a woman which also involves with the fraud with the rest of them suddenly knees down in front of Mikey, begging him to spread her life.

"Boss! Please! Spread me! I willing to do anything for you!", said the woman as she was begging desperately for her life in front of Mikey which looks down at her with his usual expressionless face. The woman then holds both of Mikey's legs as she knees closer to him.

"I...I am willing to be your plaything! I won't mind you fucking me! Please! I will suck your dick if you want me to do it!!!", said the woman to Mikey desperately, which Mikey just stares down at her uninterestedly.

'She's dead.', all of the executives' thoughts as they heard and looked at how the woman's action towards their boss.

"Boss! Please! I-"


Suddenly the gun was aimed by Mikey at the woman's head, causing her to turn pale and tear up in fear which she so in shock and speechless with Mikey's action. Mikey just stares down at the woman with his emotionless eyes, which is gives a chill towards the woman.

"Why would I let my fucking dick inside that dirty mouth of yours?", asked Mikey in a serious and cold tone.

"B-Bo-Boss......", call the woman in a shaking voice as she was so scared of dying as Mikey will just pull the trigger any moment.

"Only my Haru can have me for herself. You're nothing than just a damn bitch that will end being shot by me if to compare with my fucking woman.", said Mikey in a serious tone as he stares straight at the woman with his cold and emotionless eyes while keeping his usual expressionless face.



Without hesitation and thinking so much, Mikey just pulled the trigger. Shooting the woman's head with the blood spread all over his face and his black clothes.

He just stares down at the woman's corpse uninterestedly, then stares at his left hand. Closing his eyes, Mikey kisses his fingers which he used to insert it inside Haru's hole and playing with it till he managed to make her cum so much. He even started to recall and imagine back how beautifully Haru was when she was looking so mess cause from him. Slowly he opens his black dull eyes and says...

"Now, I fucking miss her..."

"Mikey.", call Takeomi, getting the attention of the white hair leader. "We should leave now.", said Takeomi.

Mikey then stands up from the couch and starts to walk over many corpses on the floor with the rest of the executives following up with him from behind. They all go out from the private room, leaving the terrified looking sights inside the room like nothing as they just walked all the way out with blood on their body, causing all the people in nightclubs to fear the sight of them.

Then, the night is going on as they all just drive back to their hideout, without knowing what kind of hardship that they will encounter in the future.

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