Chapter 9

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As the days keep on going, people in Tokyo city were busy every day and night. It's was Haru day off as she decides to spend her time wandering around the city.

"Should I shopping for some clothes?", she asked herself as she looks at the clothes she's wearing. "Yeah, I think that I should buy some clothes."

So, Haru shops many clothes from different stores, and of course, she didn't use the black card that Sanzu gives to her. As she walks around the city with paper bags in her hand, Haru suddenly looks at her reflection from the store's mirror. As she observed herself for a moment, she stares at the hair.

"Black is really not like me.", she said. "I wonder where's the salon around here.", said Haru as she was looking for the shop. After a few minutes, she finally found it as she immediately get inside the shop.

After getting inside the shop, she tells the shop owner that she wants to color her hair blonde again as the shop owner lets one of her workers do Haru's hair. The unexpected meeting, Haru didn't expect to meet another familiar person again.

'Akkun...', her thoughts as she stares at the man in front of him. Haru smiled as she was happy to meet another friend of her. She then smiled at the man, causing Akkun to blush at the smile from the girl.


After coloring her hair blonde again, Haru tells her thanks.

"Next time, I want you to do my hair again.", said Haru while smiling softly at Akkun.

"Eh?! Sure!!", he said while rubbing his neck in embarrassment and blushing at Haru.

"Haha~ Thank you.", said Haru.

"Please come again.", said Akkun.

"Sure.", she said.

She then walks out of the shop while waving her hand to Akkun which the man also waving his hand back at her. After many hours have passed, it getting late as Haru wants to back home until she feels hungry.

"I guess it's not that bad to eat first before going back home.", said Haru.


As Haru was about to walk towards her cafe to cook for herself instead of eating at some restaurant, suddenly she feels the raindrops on her head.

"It's raining....", said Haru while running to the closest convenience store to buy some umbrellas. After that, she just continues to walk towards the cafe.

When Haru finally arrived at her cafe, Haru was speechless. She couldn't even move her body but in the end, she just walked closer to the shop and stop in front of her door cafe. No, more like in front of someone who kneels down in front of her cafe's door. She couldn't say anything. Haru even wants to cry so much. Why? Because the person in front of her right now has short white hair with black clothes, have a dark circle under his eyes because didn't get enough sleep.

There is no way Haru won't recognize the person. It's was no one other than Mikey or his real name is Sano Manjirou, a man who became her husband in her first life before they died. No matter how much she misses him, she can't act like they know each other for so long.

Haru slowly leaned the umbrella closer to Mikey to shield him from getting wet by the rain, causing the guy to look up at her as she just smiled warmly down at him.

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