Chapter 90

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The moon continues to shine brightly in night skies which all of them are staring at it, thinking of many things inside their head, worried and fear sometimes playing with their feelings.

"Hmm?", Seiyu who was waiting for them inside the van realized the figure of four men is walking closer to them. Kakucho, Sanzu, and Takemichi who was walking with Mikey at the front who have the face that just finished crying all out.

Seiyu smile as he thinks that Mikey feels better lil bit after he left Takemichi to handle Mikey's unstable emotion.


Seiyu was walking out of the building with Ran, Rindou, and Kokonoi who was following with him from behind until he saw a figure of a familiar person in front of him.

"What are you doing here, Takemichi?", asked Seiyu after seeing the guy.

"I won't stay still and do nothing, aniki.", said Takemichi while looking at Seiyu with a serious face that eyes were full of determination. Staring at the guy for a moment, Seiyu let out a sigh as he smiled at the guy in front of him.

"You never stay still, brat."


Then, the smiles disappeared which Seiyu looks at Takemichi with worried and concern. He called Takemichi's name, which the guy looks at him with curiosity.

"Can you do something?", asked Seiyu.


"Go meet with Mikey and scold the shit out of him. Like you do when in our past timeline.", said Seiyu with a gentle smile on his face.


-Flashback End-

"Feel better now, brat?", asked Seiyu while looking at Mikey.

"Haha...yeah. Takemicchi sure scolded the shit out of me.", said Mikey while Takemichi was smiling awkwardly while scratching his cheek.

"Now get in.", said Seiyu which all of them get inside the van which Mochi will be driving them all to the destination.

"Alright guys, listen here. This is the structure of the building with the map of it.", said Kokonoi while showing the things from his laptop. "There's will 35 floors in one building and not only that, it's was a company building that belongs to (insert random name).", explained Kokonoi to them all.

"Wait, are you telling us that he just took over the building?", asked Rindou with disbelief.

"That's nothing to be surprised about, he did get the hidden camera and is also good at manipulating people. The spy in Bonten probably was from him. He, not a normal person that we shouldn't slightly think of.", said Kakucho which they listened to his explanation seriously and didn't say any words.

"In short, he just likes you guys, right?", asked Takemichi.

"Yea, even though they're not great as us.", said Ran.

"I just make hunch but he and Haru probably will be on floor 33 which it's the main office where there. But we might don't know the outcome is. He will be the first until fifth floor if he decides to run away.", explained Kokonoi more.

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