Chapter 60

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After the new year night, everything went well with them getting more closer now. Takemichi also tells them all about him working at Haru's cafe now which makes them sometimes will come and pay a visit at Haru's cafe. Since it's was not good to tell them about the truth of Mikey's life, so Draken, Takemichi, Chifuyu, and Inui decided to keep that on a secret.

"So, this means we will be invited to two weddings ceremonies, right?", asked Hakkai who sitting with others in the cafe. "Takemichi and Mikey's wedding!", he adds which they all just smiled on their face.

"First Pah, then Takemichi, and now Mikey is getting married, and here we are, still single as fuck!", said Pehyan. "Hope your wish came true, Kazutora.", he said while Kazutora just enjoyed his drinks as he also nodded in agreement with what Pehyan said.

"Hahaha~ Aniki, how about you? Has anyone you interested with?", asked Kokonoi, getting the attention of others, while Chifuyu, Takemichi, and Haru who already knew the secret of the past timeline was worried about him.

"In the past, yes. I did have. But now she no longer here which I didn't plan on married at all.", said Seiyu with no emotion on his face but his eyes are full of sadness as he sips his hot coffee while doing his works with Eiji beside him. Everyone was silent after hearing the response from the older guy which makes Seiyu stop doing his work and look at them all who has a worried expressions on their face.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?", he asked.

"Sorry for asking about it.", said Kokonoi who suddenly feels guilty mentioning about the guy's love life. Seiyu understands the reason, so he just let out a small sigh as he smiled at them.

"Don't worry about it. Sometimes you have to learn how to accept the reality.", said Seiyu which makes Takemichi, Haru, and Chifuyu more worried about the guy. Draken, Mikey and Takeomi who heard what Seiyu said, was agreed as they also have to accept the reality of losing someone that dear to them.

The atmosphere around them becomes gloomy now and Seiyu realized that, so he tries to change the topic to light the atmosphere.

"Anyway! When do you plan on marrying, Takemichi? Mikey?", asked the older guy.

"Urmm...that...", said Takemichi who is shy while Hina was also shy to explain to them all.

"I didn't plan the date yet but it's would be good if it was faster.", said Mikey which everyone there was smirking in tease at him.

"Oho~ someone really can't wait, huh?", tease Draken to Mikey who looks at him in annoyance. Haru who heard what Mikey said was embarrassed with Hina and Yuzuha who won't stop snickering and teasing at her.

'You guys just don't know that they already make a progress even before marriage. Just wait for my lil nephew, Shi was born though.', Seiyu thoughts as he stares at them in disbelief. As Seiyu was thinking about his nephew, suddenly something comes to mind.

'Shi wouldn't follow his father's current attitude, right?", he thoughts which he starts to imagine Hishirou with his father's current attitude. Killing, selling drugs, and working with the clubs and everything. 'Oh shit, no. I will protect Shi from that.', his thoughts.


"Bye-bye!", said Hina and Yuzuha with the rest of them who waved their hands after hanging out at the cafe. Eiji also left together with them since he said that had some urgent things to take care of.

"Haru-chan, we also leaving.", said Rindou who walked out of the cafe with the rest of Bonten executives.

"Okay, Rindou.", she said.

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