Chapter 14

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With that, Haru starts to tell every detail of the story to Takemichi and Chifuyu. From how it started when she and her brother died in their previous life, about this world is a fictional world that they want to change the storyline and how everything goes smoothly till the end with everyone living happily in the future. Takemichi and Chifuyu really can't proceed with the real truth, they are totally in shock and speechless. The girl in front of them knows about this world better than them, about the outcome and everything.

"Everything was good...Manjirou and I...together with others in the future....until the accident of plane crash happened and caused all of us to go back to starting line without any memories.", said Haru with a sad smile on her face.

"If only we got our memories more earlier...Baji...Emma and Izana...we could have saved them again...", said Haru with tears about to run out from her eyes. Takemichi and Chifuyu don't know how they should respond to that, they really didn't expect this.

"So we lost our memories right now, right?", asked Chifuyu in a sad tone.

"Now, I understand what Mikey-kun means. I will never understand the whole situation if I don't get my memories back.", said Takemichi with a sad face.

"So? How we gonna do now?", asked Chifuyu.

"My brother and I will continue living with our current life.", said Haru, causing both of them in shock.

"Eh?! You don't want to change the storyline anymore?!", asked Takemichi.

"No. I decided to not involve myself with the storyline. There's nothing I can help you with, plus the next event that will happen is out of my knowledge since I didn't read the manga till the end.", said Haru as she means about the Final Arc events, which an Arc that she doesn't know how it will end with the battle of 3 deities will happen in the past.

"And even if you meet the past me, I probably don't know any of you guys. So there's nothing you can do about that.", said Haru again to them.


"Haha~ I prefer you call me Haru, Takemichi.", said Haru while smiling at them.

"Then, how about Mikey-kun?! Are you gonna give up on him?", asked Takemichi again.

"Yeah.", said Haru with a sad voice and smiling painfully at them, causing both Chifuyu and Takemichi lil bit sad and disappointed.

Haru might say that she didn't want to be involved with Mikey and anyone, but without herself realizing it, Mikey already had fully set his eyes on her.









The sound of music in the clubhouse could be heard all around the hall with strippers dancing nakedly on the stage, people being crazy drunk, and drinking alcohol in their hands. Kissing and having sex on the red couch is like a normal thing to do.

Slowly the eyes were opened, showing his dull black eyes with heavy bags under his eyes. Staring at the glass of alcohol in front of him while sitting on the red couch with the rest of the executives around him who enjoys playing with women.

"You're okay, Mikey.", asked Kakucho who is sitting beside him. Mikey didn't give any response as he is deeply thinking about something or more like about someone.

Mikey's mind won't stop thinking about the owner of the cafe, who has blonde hair, clear ocean blue eyes, and those warm smile that she puts on her face. He don't know why he had been thinking about the girl after meeting with her once. There's nothing special about that girl but he really can't stop thinking about her. No matter how much he wants to throw aside the image of the girl, he couldn't. It's was strongly was set on his mind.

"Fuck.", he said as he was so pissed that he can't stop thinking about Haru. He feels annoyed but at the same time, he likes it. Having a mixing feeling, causing him to be more stressed out.

Mikey keeps asking himself, why in the fuck he couldn't stop thinking about Haru, it's nothing special about her. It is because the voice in his dream somewhat sounds the same as her. He didn't know anymore and this is pissing him off even more.

As Mikey was busying with his annoying problem, suddenly a woman with half-naked getting closer to him to seduce him. Wrapping around Mikey's arm and let her breasts closer to him while whispering seductively at him.

"Hey~ lil boy~"

Mikey didn't give any response as he just stares at the glass of alcohol on the table in front of him. Ignoring the woman beside him which won't stop rubbing her big breasts at his arm, Mikey just puts up his expressionless face.

"Wanna play wi-"


Before the woman could ever finish her sentence, a gun was suddenly aimed at by Mikey under her chin, causing the girl in shock to have a gun under her chin. The gun was still under the women's chin with her already trembling in fear while Mikey was still with his expressionless face.


Without hesitation at all, Mikey pulls the trigger, causing everyone in the clubhouse to shock as the sound of the gun was heard. The blood of the woman was spread all over his expressionless face as it's was nothing to him with the corpse of the woman lying beside him with blood.

"KYAAAAA!!!!", shout some women in the clubhouse after seeing the corpse of the woman.

"Mikey...", call Kakucho as he lil bit surprised with him.

"He kills another bitch again~", said Sanzu as he is grinning while looking at the scene.

Ignore all people around him, Mikey wakes up from the seat with the gun still in his hand. He starts to walk away with people making their distance away from him with fear. The rest of the executives also started to follow up with him as Mikey walked out of the clubhouse with the blood covering his face.

Getting inside the car, Mikey just drives away, leaving all of his executives in shock.

"Wait!! How about us??", asked Rindou after Mikey just leaves them all and drive away by himself.

"He just leave all of us here?! Where's in fuck he's going?!!", said Kokonoi while Kakucho didn't say anything as he already knew where Mikey's destination is.


Haru's eye was wide open lil bit, she was in shock and speechless. She was just about to close the cafe until the man with short white hair while covered with blood all on his face and his black clothes was came to meet with her. Mikey just comes inside the cafe without cleaning his face and that causes Haru lil bit surprised as she sees this kind side of Mikey. Even so, in the end, Haru gives him a warm smile while slowly walking closer to him.

"You, here again, Mikey-kun?", asked Haru while sweeping the blood on Mikey's face with her clothes. Letting the girl sweep the blood on his face, Mikey just closes his eyes as he enjoys the touch of Haru on him.

"Let's get yourself changed.", said Haru while smiling gently at Mikey, which he just gladly follow her order without saying anything. And the night again, just quietly only of the two inside the cafe without anyone to interfere with their moments. And that what Mikey wants the most.

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