Chapter 59

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Night keeps going. People are enjoying their night at the festival. However, there's are some problems with the relationship between the two groups which is awkward, except for the girls.

"Haru-chan! These pink flower pins look good on you!!", said Hina while showing the clips to Haru.

"No, Hina! I think purple looks more better on her!", said Yuzuha while showing the purple flower pin.

"But, I think pink will suit more with her blonde hair.", said Hina while Yuzuha still saying purple one looks better on Haru's blonde hair.

"I agree with Hina-nessan about the pink one!", said Luna who agreed with Hina.

"But I agree with Yuzuha-nessan about the purple one!", said Mana who disagreed with his sister and thinks that the purple one looks better.

Haru really can't say anything as she just let them choose whatever things for her. Haru glanced at the back to see her friends who won't talk with each other at all and just focusing on the girls.

Seiyu could feel the tension between them since he standing in the middle of the group. Glancing at his right side, Mikey didn't show any reaction and only stared at Haru, Hina and Yuzuha are having their time on shopping.

Kokonoi and Sanzu also didn't say anything and just did their things. Ran and Rindou was really awkward, so they just scrolled their phone and acted like they were invisible. The same goes for Takeomi, Kakucho, and Mochi who just do their own things and just ignore them all.

Then, Seiyu glanced on his left side to see the obvious worries and awkward-looking face of Takemichi beside him and Draken together with Chifuyu who was lil awkward since others friends of theirs were here.

Pehyan, Smiley, Angry, Pahchin, and Hakkai won't stop glancing at Mikey who doesn't give any shit of glance at them and just focuses his eyes on the girls. Mitsuya seems to figure out about Draken, Chifuyu, Inui, and Takemichi who already encountered with Mikey but didn't tell them since the worrisome expression is so obvious on their face.

"Hey, Seiyu.", whisper Eiji, getting the attention of the guy. "Aren't this lil bit awkward?", asked Eiji while smiling awkwardly at him.

"What do you want me to do? Hold a party?", said Seiyu in a sarcastic tone while rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Can't you be nice at least once?", asked Eiji while pouting his mouth.

"I was already born with this nice attitude.", said Seiyu while smiling innocently at his friend who staring at him with a disbelief reaction on his face.

"Fuck that nice of yours.", he said in annoyance while Seiyu just let out a small laugh after teasing his friend. Some of them glanced at them which caused Seiyu to stop laughing and asking them.

"What?", he asked.

"Nothing, aniki. Just keep laughing, you used to be such a boring guy with a stoic face but tonight, you laughing, so keep it up.", said Kokonoi bluntly, causing Seiyu to feel lil bit offensive by his words.

"You fucking brat!!", he suddenly ramped and attack Kokonoi who was about to run away from him but it was too late.

"It's true, aniki!", said Kokonoi who struggled to escape from the older guy.

"I have to agree with Koko.", said Rindou who suddenly join hands with the tease.

"The fuck?! Say that to this guy instead!!", said Seiyu in pissed while pointing at Inui who doesn't know why he was being pointed at.

"Inupi was always like that~ his stoic face was like his girlfriend.", said Kokonoi in a teasing tone.

"What?", asked Inui who was pissed. "Say to the someone who only loves the money of his life and obsessed want to be aniki's sugar daddy.", said Inui in annoyance.

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