Chapter 26

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'Why does she look so familiar....where's did I see her again....?', Haru thoughts as she stares at the brown hair woman in curiosity.

The brown hair woman seems to stare at Haru with a smile on her face, which Haru waits for Riku to introduce the woman to her.

"Oh! Her name is Himaki Yuna. My friend.", said Riku as he introduces the woman to Haru.

'Himaki Yuna?', Haru thoughts as she becomes more curious.

" Kazuki Haru.", said Riku to the woman.

"I know.", said Yuna to Riku.

'She knows?', Haru thoughts as she becomes more curious. Then, Yuna looks at Haru as she smiles brightly at her.

"It's been a long time, isn't Kazuki-san.", said Yuna, causing Haru lil bit confused as she don't know who the fuck is the woman in front of her. "Come on, Kazuki-san...we are in the same class during our middle school time!", said Yuna, causing Haru's eye to wide open as she suddenly remembers something as Yuna mentioned that they are in the same class during their middle school day. Haru's eye suddenly becomes cold as she finally recognizes the woman in front of her.

'Ahhh....she that bitch that I slapped on my first day at school after reincarnation in my past timeline and the one who lead the others to bully me in the past in this timeline.', Haru thoughts as she stares coldly at the woman in front of her but still put up a smile on her face.

'I did say that I want to sue every one of them, didn't expect to meet one already.', Haru thoughts as she stares at the woman. The situation suddenly became quietly awkward as none of them even said anything.

"Erm...Kazuki-san....", call Yuna, causing Haru to look at her.


"I know....I had done many bad things to you in the", said Yuna as she looks very guilt in front of Haru. "I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY!!!", shout Yuna while suddenly bowing in front of Haru, causing Haru and Riku together with people in the cafe to shock as they all witness the brown hair girl bowing in apologizing in front of Haru.

"Huh?", Haru lil bit confused as she was so in shock with what just happened in front of her.

"I know that I had bullied you in the past and do many things to hurt you! So, I'm really sorry! I know this is too late but I still want to apologize to you!", said Yuna, which Haru looks at her in confusion and shock.

"Okay! okay! I forgive you! Stop bowing!!", said Haru while pursuing the girl.

"Really?! I won't stop until you forgive me!!", said Yuna.

"My gosh! Yes! I forgive you! So, stop!", said Haru, causing the girl to tear up as she suddenly moved forward to hug Haru.

"Thank you, Kazuki-san!!!", said Yuna while crying so hard as she won't stop hugging Haru. Even it feel lil bit awkward, Haru just lets out a small sigh and gently pats the girl's back.

Riku who doesn't know how he should do in this situation just smiled as he stares at the two of them with people in the cafe also staring at them with a warm smile on their face as they just saw a beautiful sight in front of them.

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