Chapter 17

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As both men are staring at each other.

" you know who are you messing with right now?!", asked the man with a big mole on his chin.

"Hah? Why would I need to know any shit about you?!", asked Sanzu while grinning in pissed at the man.

'If you two gonna fight, please do outside of my fucking cafe.', Haru thoughts as she stares at them with her straight face.

"You fucking scars face, ruining the moments with my woman.", said the man.

'HELLO??! WHAT?! Since when?!!', Haru thoughts as she looks at the man in disbelief.

"Hah?! Yar woman?! What such fucking nonsense yar talking?", asked Sanzu back at the man.

'YEAH!! Tell him, Sanzu!! You got my full support!!', Haru thoughts.

"Of course she's is! I will fuck her up when she becomes my woman", said the man, causing Haru to shock in disbelief after hearing what the man said.

"What?! Yar gonna fuck her with that small fucking cock of yours?! Even my boss has the big one.", said Sanzu while grinning proudly at the man.

"THE FUCK, SANZU?! WHY YOU NEED TO BRING UP ABOUT MIKEY'S FUCKING COCK SO SUDDEN ?!!', Haru's thoughts which screaming inside of her head while looking at Sanzu in disbelief.

"I bet he can fuck her better than yar.", he said again. "He can even make her moaning lik-"

"STOP IT, SANZU!!!', Haru's thoughts while suddenly grabbing Sanzu's hair inhabits every time they having fights in the past.

"AHH!! AHH!!", shout Sanzu while his hair was being grabbed by Haru who is embarrassed to death by what he said.

"What in the fuck yar doing?!", shout Sanzu to Haru.

"Stop fucking embarrassing me more!!", shout Haru while still grabbing Sanzu's hair.

"What?! I said the truth though. Just wait until you completely see my boss's big co- AHH!!", before Sanzu could finish his words, Haru grabbed his hair more tighter, causing the rosy pink hair guy to shout in pain.

As Haru and Sanzu had their child fights, the mafia man didn't seem to like how close them are. Like how dare the man in front of him dare to get the touch of the woman he likes.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!", shouts the man while moving forward to punch Sanzu.


In reflex, Sanzu managed to land a punch first on the man, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. Suddenly the man, grabbed the bottle of salt and soy sauce on the table and thrown at Sanzu with him shielding it with his arm. Quickly the man moves forward and pushed Sanzu down to the ground.

Sanzu played cool, if this place was a different place, he won't hesitate to go on a rampage and fight the man with everything he could find at the place. But he is at Haru's cafe, so he doesn't want to make a mess or destroy anything in her cafe. Even so, the mafia man was not, he keeps on messing with the cafe. Pushing down the table to Sanzu and even threw the chairs at him.

"This motherfucker...", said Sanzu while shielding himself. Haru wants to help but was being pin-up by two-man behind her.

"Stay here, missy. The boss will finish him up any moment.", said the man.

"Yeah, and then you two can have your beautiful time after this.", said the other man.

It's was tension between Sanzu and the man as they still fighting each other in the cafe. Until that, Haru suddenly appears between both of them as the man was about to throw a chair at Sanzu, causing the two men in shock as when in the fuck she got there.

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