Chapter 40

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After a few days, Haru keeps on feeling uneasy the whole time. She even couldn't get enough sleep as she keeps staying awake at night, feeling uneasy of someone was watching her the whole night. She keeps being careful with her surroundings which causes her to be more stressed.

"'re okay?", asked Takemichi which he saw Haru's face lil pale and her eyes looks so tired.

"Oh..Takemichi. Yeah, I'm okay. Just lil bit sleepy these days.", said Haru while smiling at Takemichi, trying to hide the tiredness from the guy.

"You should rest today, Haru-san. You can leave the work to me.", said Takemichi in worried.

"No. No. It's okay. There are not many customers today. So, it's fine.", she said as she was stubborn to stay while Takemichi still thinks she should rest for her own health.

Since, Haru said that she was fine, even though she keeps sleeping without realizing it and sometimes feels the pain of the headache. She did want to go back to her apartment and rest all day on her bed, however, her own room didn't give a good feeling for her to sleep comfortably.

As Haru was rubbing her forehead because of headaches, suddenly she felt like both of her shoulder was being grabbed. Out of shock, Haru turns to look at the white hair guy in terrified.

"Manjirou?", call Haru who looks at Mikey in confusion. "When did you get here?", she asked while Mikey just stares down at her, observes her face which her eyes looks so tired.

"You okay? I got a call from Takemicchi that you're not well today.", said Mikey while Haru stares straight at Takemichi who is avoiding her stares as he acts like he didn't do anything at all.

'', her thoughts as she stares at her friend in annoyance. "I'm oka-Hwahh!"

Since Haru was so stubborn, Mikey just have to carry her in bridal style and walks out from the cafe with some customers looking at them while snickering at the sweet scene, causing her to be embarrassed by many people staring. Placing her inside the car, Mikey gets to his driver's seat and drives away with Haru.

"Where are we going?", asked Haru.

"Don't know.", said Mikey, making Haru look at him in disbelief. He takes her away from her cafe and then doesn't know where in hell he was going. Haru can only let out a small sigh as she doesn't know how she should do anymore. But then Haru thinks this is the chance to help Mikey regain his memories back, so she suggests to the man a place to go.

"How about we go to the beach?", suggests Haru for them to go to the beach.

"Sure.", he said.












"Don't need to change my clothes though.", said Haru

After they arrive at the beach but Mikey decided to go to a nearby souvenir store to buy her comfortable clothes. Mikey just ignores the girl as he takes the white pure dress and gives it to Haru.

"Try it.", he said. Haru has already given up with Mikey since this guy won't listen to her sometimes and just do whatever he wants. Taking the dress, she straight to changing room.

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